Black Market

Black Market

For last 1 year Tia has been preparing for the day when she will be accepted by her captain.

At first she was very shocked when she found that, her captain Hancock has a bounty of 99 millions berries. But then her shock turned into admiration for her captain. She fought many pirates and collected many knowledge on navigation so that she could become strong and useful to her captain.

She had left Jaya and the last year but she came back around 3 months ago so that she wouldn't be missed by Hancock, if she came back early.

Every morning and every evening she came to the port of the mock town to check on the pirate ships.

One evening while she was about to return with disappointment again, she saw a familiar ship in the horizon. A galleon with pyramid shaped housings. As the ship came closer, her happiness knew no bound after she saw the familiar flag of boa pirates.


During there journey to the island of Jaya, the boa pirates, encountered two other pirate crews. And one of them were pretty loaded with money and gold. Obviously the boa pirates robed them blind before destroying their ship. The other pirate ship didn't have much loot, but they did have a lot of food as stock. Obviously they also meet the same fate as the previous pirate group.

But finally after 3 days of journey they reached the port of the mock town in jaya island.

Hancock was really surprised when she saw Tia waiting for them in the port.


"Well it seems you got yourself a fangirl ." Silver commented after hearing the story of Tia. But Hancock didn't care. She had countless admirers and fans in her previous life as the most beautiful woman in the world. But looking at her new navigator Hancock thought that she was more like a fanatic follower than a fangirl.

"Well we have other business here in the mock town before we go anywhere else.

Tia, do you know about the black market in this island ?" Hancock asked her navigator.

"Well yes. But it is more like a shaddy gambling den then an actual black market." Tia replied.

"Well as long as it contains what we want, it is fine." Hancock sighed.

"It is evening already. We should go quickly and check it out. We can buy our supplies tomorrow." Silver suggested.

Hancock nodded and looked towards Tia."Alright ! Let me lead you to the black market here."


"I can't believe that we gave 50 millions for a book." Sheel said in disbelief.

"Well devil fruit encyclopaedias are pretty expensive you know. The official version published by the world government will cost you around 10 million berries. But this is a non official version. So it will obviously cost more." Tia said to Sheel.

"Well let's go to the most expensive lodge here. I have already given them advance since last week anticipating your arrival." Tia said proudly.

She got 'are you a weirdo ?' look from every member of the boa pirates except for Hancock herself. Events Salome was looking at her like she is an oddball.


"Well what are your plannings captain ?"

Silver asked Hancock about their future plannings. The boa pirates were having their breakfast when silver asked them.

"We are going to starboard island. It is said to be the biggest black market in the paradise.

But before that there is something that I need to check here." Hancock said to her crew.

"The dealer from yesterday said that there will be new product arriving tomorrow morning. And their might be some eternal logo poses in them. If we are in luck, then we will find it tomorrow. And we are not going to buy anything tomorrow. We are going to loot them." Hancock said matter of factly.

The only reason she paid the price for the book was because she wanted more information from the broker. And she actually found it. She has planned her own adventures. But this devil fruit was something that she must acquire.

Blackbeard's crew has many powerful devil fruit users. She wanted to know that if there is any current user of hebi hebi no mi, model Nure-onna. And those kind of information could only be found in black market.

"After acquiring a broker that will give us time to time information about the devil fruits, we will travel to East blue. Then we will make our journey from one end of the grand line, the reverse mountain." Hancock said remembering about Luffy. She didn't know where is Lucy at this point. After all his father was the revolutionary Dragon. She knew that romance-dawn Island is the island where he spent his childhood, but most of the stories Luffy told her, was when he was, 7 years old or above. But her reason for visiting the east blue was different. She wanted to experience similar adventure luffy went through. Although it will be different, but Hancock wanted to start her journey that way.


The black market in Jaya Island was not very big. It was situated in the slum areas of mock town. Although it has the backing of many influential people in the paradise, but there was no proper overseer of this black market. Don Quixote Doflamingo , was one of the few rookies who wanted to take over the black market in the Jaya Island. Although he has some influence in the paradise, it can't be compared to the influence of the other big shots. And his defeat in the mock town by the hands of a girl really didn't make the situation better.

But suddenly one day, the black market in the mock town disappeared.

Some says that it disappeared because it was destroyed by a gigantic snake.

Some says a goddess from heaven punished the sinners. And turned every one into stone.

But the truth was different. Boa pirates destroyed the black market and looted everything.



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