An unwanted three way fight

//Important note: Here are some things that I want to clear. In the movie 'one piece stampede' Bullet kicked the ass of entire worst generation including Luffy before he was using gear 4th. His raw physical strength was only inferior to Garp. Although, his Haki was not strong as Luffy's Haki, but his raw power was enough to make up for it. So roughly he was just above admiral level. So the future admirals who were not experienced enough at that point, won't be able to handle bullet in one on one fight.//

An unwanted three way fight

"It's been a while, Kizaru..."

"I am glad I am with you Aokiji..."

Two lazy people greeted each other. Aokiji aka Kuzan and Kizaru aka Borsalino were taken the lead in eastern port.

And no need to say that both of them are very happy that the were not paired with Sakazuki. It would have been too much trouble.

Thankfully, he has taken the lead in western port. They could already see sky taking an orange hue in their opposite direction. Probably due to his meteor shower attack.

Even though both of them are lazy people, they knew that they can't slack off.

This was an important mission after all.

Kuzan also didn't think that this buster call is unjust because most of the inhabitants in the island were either pirates or outlaws.

Between both of them, Borsalino took the first step ahead.

"Yasakami no magatama !"

In an instant countless light beads were fired from his palms.

Most of his attacks went straight ahead and head their mark. But some of them from a particular spot were deflected.

"It seems that there is someone in the crowd how can deal with your attacks. Weather it is a devil fruit ability or Haki." Kuzan commented while eyes spread around where he was standing.

"I hope it is a devil fruit user. Haki users are annoying to deal with." Borsalino commented lazily.

But then suddenly they saw a ship, flying close to the ground and approaching them very fast. It was made of metal, not wood. Obviously the ship never reached them. It was flying to close to the ground.


"Damn I should have put a little more strength into my throw. Whatever !"


Hancock heard the brute muttering, before he unleashed his conqueror's haki.

Silver hadn't escaped yet.

Even though, she has been exposed to enough conqueror's haki, all of them were never intended towards her.

But bullet's conqueror's haki affected her. Although she never passed out from the effects, she staggered in her steps.

Hancock thought about quickly escaping the fight along with Silver. Thankfully Salome has adapted to my conqueror's haki to the point where she could stay conscious.

But then what she saw in her future vision forced her to change her mind. Quickly going in front of Siver, she unleashed her own conqueror's haki to stop Aokiji's ice from freezing Silver.

She had hoped to escape without getting any attention towards her. But when her haki clashed with Bullet's conqueror's haki, her Haki won. It was clear that her will power was greater than the brute's.

Hancock didn't want to engage with Bullet risking her crew, when a buster call is happening.

But with that move she not only gained the attention of bullet but also the attention of two future admirals.

Hancock was not worried about herself. She has already learnt that true power talks in the ocean. And from Rayleigh's teachings she has learnt that a person grows only in our life and death battle. It was just that she was worried about her sisters and the rest of her crew.

"Ha ! Not only two powerful devil fruit users, but also a brat with strong Haki ! Today is my lucky day ! I will defeat you all and become the strongest man in the world alone !" Bullet exclaimed.

At that moment marines surrounded them from all direction.

"Disgusting men !

Mero Mero no mero !"

In an instant all the Marine soldiers surrounding Hancock turned into stone statues along with many others who were conscious and saw her beauty.

"Go !" Hancock told to Silver. But Bullet didn't want to let her go. So he tried to block her path. According to him, anyone who could stay conscious after facing his conqueror's haki is worthy enough to fight.

But he wasn't able to accomplish his goal. Hancock intersepted him with advanced emission version of colour of armament and deflected his attack. Hancock knew that he was no match for Bullet when it comes to raw strength. But it was an entirely different matter when it comes to Haki.

"Arara ! Not only one but two conqueror's haki user ! It seems we have to work hard Kizaru." Aokiji commented lazily as with a casual wave of his arm, he surrounded all of them with a gigantic wall of ice.

At first Hancock was worried about Silver's escaping. But then she saw Silver creating a hole in one side of the wall with her haki coated bullets in the corner of her eyes.

After Silver successfully escaped along with Salome, Aokiji and Kizaru finally revealed themselves.

"*whistle* What a-" Aokiji elementalized his body in the last moment to dodge the attack of Hancock's slave arrow. But when he saw the area of the ice where the pink coloured arrows were hitting, well turning into stone, he immidiately left the useless parts and materialised himself a few feet behind.

If not for his devil fruit then Aokiji could have completely turned into a stone statue.

"Woah ! Woah ! What the hell ! You are the worst opponent for any man ! So that's what vice admiral Tsuru was complaining about to Garp san ! Your devil fruit is truly very dangerous." Aokiji commented a bid of sweat forming on his forehead.

Hancock was what you call a killer beauty.

Anyone will fall in love with her at the first glance. And once you fell in love with her then it is over for you.

Borsalino was not affected by Hancock's attacks because he was busy dodging Bullet's attacks. Bullet's raw strength was insane. Aokiji doubted that anyone except for Garp would be able to deal such devstating blows.

Not to mention, Bullet was also very fast. He was just a little behind Borsalino's attacks.

A little mistake, could cause the defeat of Kizaru.


AN: My schedule for the mid semester exam is out. So I can't post more than three chapters a day till the exam. And during the exam I will be posting only one chapter per day.

Keep reading.


Check out my other fanfictions

One piece Rebecca

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl