An important discussion II

An important discussion II

And the final candidate-"

Sengoku was not able to finish has speech when Tsuru interrupted him.

Tsuru has already heard about the third candidate's name. And that name only meant a lot to Tsuru. She has been defeated by that pirate not once but twice. And those were not some ordinary defeat. Those were humiliating defeat.

In both of her encounters, Hancock overwhelmed Tsuru with sheer strength.

Tsuru has always been very professional with every matter. But this was the first time Tsuru has been driven by personal grudge.

"We absolutely cannot let her join the war lords !" Tsuru said seriously.

Garp rose his eyebrow at the serious behaviour of Tsuru. And Sengoku sighed.

"I know that you hate her for your defeats. But if I have to choose between her and any other pirate, in this list, then I would rather pick her.

And before you complain, hear me out first.

Boa pirates was first found in 1505. And it has been almost 2 years since they have formed. And in this entire 2 years They have not attacked a single civilian. Most of the time they stayed in their Island. And the only time they sail, is to explore, grand line. They loot each and every pirate ship they come across. They don't attack marines intentionally and one top of all this, Hancock is strong. There is no denying that. Not to mention she is still very young, far from her peak. And with her devil fruit, she will become one of the most powerful force in the seas someday. So it would be our best interest to recruit to our side as soon as possible." Sengoku explained his reasons.

"Is this the brat, you told me about who possessed conqueror's haki ?" Garp asked suddenly.

"Yes, now that you mention it, she indeed possesses one of the most rare power in the seas. Even if she doesn't reach to the level of an emperor, she will be a powerful ally nonetheless." Sengoku nodded.

"Well, it will be good if she accepts the invitation. Those who possess that Power naturally have a stronger will than others. And even if she agrees to join, I doubt that she will be willing to follow the orders from the marines." Garp said continuing to munch on his rice crackers.

"Anyway what's your opinion on this. ?" Sengoku asked.

"You are asking like our opinion matter on this subject when it is ordered by the five elders. Now all we can do is ensure that the position of the war lord does not fall into the hands of an evil pirates." Tsuru said with a serious tone.

"That's why I need your help. I can't find any other candidate other than these 4." Sengoku said to his old friends.

"Why don't we just send the invitation to these four at first. The elders need four people to debut the war lords. If they agreed then you don't have to worry about anything. And if they declined then you are the one who is going to be in trouble ! Bhahahaha !" Garp laughed heartily as Sengoku sighed.


//December 17th 1507

//In the long ring long road island

"Big sister ! We got this letter just now ! It is from the world government !" Marigold ran towards Hancock carrying a letter she just got from a news coo.

Hancock was also very surprised. She was genuinely confused about the letter from the word government. She had roughly rememberd that the system of 7 war lords of the sea started around 1511. It was almost 3 years early for the formation of seven war lords. Then again a few days ago, red haired Shanks was declared as the fourth emperor of the seas.

Hancock took the letter from the hands of Marigold.

Opening it, she went through a familiar piece of letter she had received in her previous life.

The letter was from the fleet admiral addressing her.

It contained some basic information about the system of 7 warlords of the seas along with some basic rules, that a warlord has to follow.

There was also the room for negotiations to get some special privileges mentioned in the letter. And finally there was an invitation for her to join the seven war lords.

It was pretty much the same as her previous life. But there are a few differences she noticed in the letter.

"What is it captain ? What does it says to you ?" Silver, who was cleaning her pistol, asked Hancock.

Hancock handed her over the letter instead of explaining it verbally.

Then after seeing all the curious gazes from the rest of the crew she decided to tell them about the system of war lords briefly.

"The world government want to create a new system of war lords. In this system, the marines and the world government will ally themselves with 7 powerful pirates in order to maintain the balance with the four emperors. There are a lot of rules mixed into it. But that was the just of the letter. And finally they have invited me to join as one of the seven war lords of the seas." Hancock explained it to her crew.

"Interesting the privileges they have mentioned is not cheap. But I guess they will be reaping the price from those who accept the special privileges in other ways." Silver said after reading the entire letter.

"So what are you planning to do captain ?"

"Let's send back a letter to the marines. I will join their system. But we have to discuss the conditions and special privileges they mentioned.

Only after that I will take a decision."



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