Monkey D Garp

Monkey D Garp

"*Puru puru puru puru puru -kachak*

Moshi-moshi it's marine HQ. Identify yourself." The marine asked.

"Boa Hancock , one of the war lords.

I want to talk to the fleet middle regarding the recent order from the Marine HQ." Hancock said with a no nonsense tone.

"Mam ! Please give me a minute."

The soldier immediately took the den den mushi and ran towards the office of the fleet admiral. He was a new recruit. But you understood the importance of a warlord.

He entered the office, when he got the permission from the fleet admetal.

"Sir, war lord Boa Hancock is on the line. She wanted to talk to you."

Sengoku felt an incoming headache.

"Alright give me the den den mushi and go back to your work."

"Moshi-moshi what do you want ?"

Sengoku didn't try to beat around the bush.

"I just called to inform you that I am currently in the east blue and I am planning to travel the grandline in a normal pirate fashion. So I might take a year or two to reach the marine HQ. The new warlord can wait till then." Hancock directly came to the topic.

At first Sengoku was happy and wanted to laugh at her words after he thought about the situation of Doflamingo.

But he couldn't. Because the elders won't allow it.

"We need the new war lord in perfect working condition to sign the contract. We can't wait 2 years for it."

"Too bad for you. I don't have any means of transport that will let me travel to the Marine HQ within days."

Hancock retorted.

Sengoku pinched the bridge of his nose.

But then an idea came to his head.

He knew the perfect man to deal with this brat.

In fact the said man is currently enjoying a vacation in the east blue.

It would be funny to watch how they deal with each other. But unfortunately Sengoku won't be able to enjoy the show.

Unknown to the resourceful admiral, he was giving Hancock the exact opportunity she wanted in a silver platter.

"You don't have to worry about transportation. Just go to the dawn Island. You can find a village named fusha village there. I will inform vice admiral Monkey D Garp. He will be responsible for bringing you to the HQ."

As soon as these words left from the mouth of Sengoku, Hancock's brain started working at 300 miles per hour.

While her eyes turned into hearts thinking about a child Luffy.

But then she shook her head and came back to reality.

"Okay.... I will do as you say. But you have to drop me back in the east blue again."

"Fine !"

'Garp will get an excuse to go back to his grandson . But I thought that she would oppose my idea more." Sengoku thought in his mind.


As soon as the call cut off, Hancock almost lost her consciousness from the shock and anticipation. But then she got up and quickly went to kitchen.


"Sheel prepare meat and a lot of sweets. Cookies, rice crackers or anything you know. Just prepare them !" Hancock said before running away to Silver.

Sheel stood their confused. But then she started to prepare the foods quickly.

"Silver, you will be the captain till I return from marine HQ. You will be staying in foosha village. Make sure that no one, absolutely no one should be able to touch Luffy. He is mine !

Do you understand ?"

"Yeah yeah, got it." Silver said exasperated.

"I still can't believe that you have already fell for someone. And that someone is a 3 year old grand child of none other than vice admiral Garp himself. Way to go !" Gloriosa was baffled at the situation. She still can't believe it.

The fact that the would be empress of Amazon Lilly has fallen in love with the grandson of the strongest man in the marines. The situation was just too outrageous.


Garp was happily teaching his three years old grandson how to properly through a punch.

Luffy, was doing his usual thing. Goofing around and giving a headache to Garp.

Even as a 3 years old child, Luffy was extremely energetic for someone of his size. If not for him more focused on playing, then he could create serious trouble for Garp.

But then the baby den den mushi in his pocket started to ring.

"*Puru puru puru puru puru puru

Puru puru puru puru puru puru*"

He didn't want to pick up the call. Because it was from non other than Sengoku. If he was calling Garp, in the middle of his vacation, then that means, he wanted Garp to do something for him.

But Garp sighed and decided to pick up the call.

"*Kachak -

Moshi moshi Garp. I have a very simple job for you." Sengoku told his old friend.

"Whatever it is I am not doing it. Now is there anything else ?" Garp said with deadpanned tone.

"At least hear me out Garp ! I will give you extra days of leave to enjoy your vacation after you complete this job. That means technically you won't lose even as single day of your vacation." Sengoku tried to persue Garp.

Garp grunted. After hearing about the extra days of leave he decided to listen to What Sengoku have to say.

"Alright ! Tell me which pirate group I have to beat up ? Bhahahaha !"

"You don't have to beat up any pirate group. You just have to escort one of the war lords to the marine HQ, and when she is done with her business you have to take her back to where, you picked her up, AND BEFORE YOU START COMPLAINING, LET ME FINISH MY SENTENCE.

Boa Hancock is in east blue. So I told her to reach you. I have already sent your ship along with Bogard to pick you up.

You just have to pick her up from your village and go back there after her business is finished in the HQ.

You don't even have to do anything else."

Sengoku said in one breath.

"This sounds too good to be true. Anyway I will bringing Luffy to Marineford. If you agree, then I will do it."

'I won't leave this no brain grandson of mine here with a bunch of pirates.'

Garp said in his mind.

"Fine I agree." Sengoku said after thinking for a while.

What can a three years old mini Garp could do in the worst case scenario ?

Only if he would know about the insanity of Monkey D family.



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Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl