Gloriosa's worries

Gloriosa's worries

"How are the other islands ? Did everything land without any problem ?" Shiki asked his subordinates. He was standing on the corpses of his two of his navigators who were not able to predict the weather. The only young navigator who helped him successfully land the floating islands on the ocean was the one to survive.

Shiki was in a very bad mood. So he wanted to hear only good news. The storm has passed away. So Shiki decided to check the status quo of his floating Islands before taking off to sky.

"Island one is perfectly fine !"

"Island two is perfectly fine !"

"Island three is perfectly fine !"

"Island four is perfectly fine !"

"Island five is perfectly fine !"

"Island six is perfectly fine !"

"Island seven is perfectly fine !"

"Island eight is perfectly fine !"

"Island nine is perfectly fine !"

"Island ten is perfectly fine !"

"Island eleven is perfectly fine !"

"Island twelve is perfectly fine !"

"Island thirteen has split into two parts !"

"Island fourteen is perfectly fine !"

"Island fifteen is perfectly fine !"

"Island sixteen is perfectly fine !"

Shiki listened to his subordinates in satisfaction. After listening to all of them he nodded happily. Until his brain caught up with what happened with the island number 13.

"Wh-what happened with island number thirteen ?" Shiki asked surprised.

"It has been split into two parts admiral !" The subordinate was shaking in fear.

But Shiki ignored him and immediately flew away to investigate what has happened.

He saw his scattered islands. When he reached near Island 13 he saw it split in half. Flying above it he found a ship in the middle between both the Islands. The storm has died down not long ago. So it was obvious that whatever pirate crew that belongs to is recovering from the storm. The Jolly Roger on the ship was familiar. But he couldn't put his finger on where he has seen it before.

There ship was overall fine.

Unlike what Shiki expected, there was no rock or under ocean mountain to split his Island on just impact alone.

That means the one who is responsible for splitting his Island was on board of that ship.

But when he flew towards it, the presence of one of the person on board really shoked him.

"Gloriosa is that you ?" A familiar voice shocked Gloriosa.

When she looked upwards, she found a familiar figure floating in the sky.

It was none other than Shiki, also known as the golden lion.

"Shiki ?" Gloriosa was surprised. Last time she heard, Shiki has escaped from impel down. But after that he vanished like a ghost. Many thought that he has died in the hands of the marines to cover of their failure. But Gloriosa thought otherwise. There is no way a man of his calibre would die that easily.

Suddenly it clicked in her mind. The floating Islands now made sense. Shiki must have been using the power of his devil fruit to make all those Islands float. But due to the intense storm he must have been forced to land them into the sea.

At that moment Hancock came out of the cabin along with Lami and Marigold after changing their wet clothes.

Seeing Hancock, hearts appeared in the eyes of Shiki.

Gloriosa felt a headache coming.

Shiki is a stubborn bastard. Once he decided something, he does it with all of his power. He will all the dirty tactics to achieve it no matter how long it takes. A common trait among all the conquerors. But the dangerous thing about Shiki is that he plans his every action. And he can do it very patiently waiting for years if needed.

While and other hand Hancock, while plans her actions, her approach is mostly straight forward without any hidden deception.

Not to mention Hancock was overly infatuated with Luffy. So if by any chance, Shiki tried to get her then they will definitely clash. And if that happens then it would be very bad for Gloriosa.


Shiki was first surprised to see Gloriosa. She hasn't aged a day since the time of Rocks. For a moment Shiki thought that all the Amazonian women doesn't age. But he disregarded that Idea and thought about the effects of some devil fruit that might made her young.

He has not a high opinion about Gloriosa. She was infatuated with Rocks after he killed all of her crewmates but spared her life because of her strength. After that she left Amazon Lily and joined Rocks pirates. She tried to get into the pants of Rocks till the very end just before the God valley incident. But when she finally understood that she is not going to get into Rocks's bed no matter how hard she tried, she switched to Newgate. But by that time Newgate has been already taken by Stussy.

After the God valley incident he didn't hear about Gloriosa again. They had met before the Edd war . But it was more like a short meeting between ex-coworkers.

Gloriosa was strong. Strong enough to gain the respect of the golden lion once upon a time. But her infatuation with Rocks, staggered her growth. That was the reason why Shiki didn't have a high opinion on Gloriosa.

But as Shiki was recovering from his shock of seeing an old face, the door of the upper cabin opened and three girls came out.

For the first time in his life, Shiki's heart stopped momentarily.

Obviously he recognised 'the most beautiful woman in the world' as newspaper described her in the first glance. There is no way she is any one other than that. Shiki liked to stay updated with the rest of the world.

So she obviously new about the new system of the seven warlords.

At first he didn't think much about it. Until he saw the picture of Hancock in the newspaper. Even in the newspaper she was extremely beautiful. At that time, Shiki couldn't remove his eyes from her even when he tried hard.

But now seeing the goddess in front of him in person, Shiki got frozen in his place.

He slowly decended and hovered slightly above the ship.

"Boa Hancock.....

Be my woman !"



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One piece Transmigrated as Nico Robin

One piece Rebecca

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl