Saving Fisher Tiger

Saving Fisher Tiger

Tiger and Jinbe have received bounties of 230,000,000 and 76,000,000 berries respectively. Three years have passed since the Mary Geoise incident, and the Sun Pirates landed on an island where the natives requested them, to take a former slave named Koala with them to return her to her homeland. They explained that she managed to escape from Mary Geoise during Tiger's raid and ended up on their island.

Tiger obliged though Arlong showed his contempt as soon as Koala boarded their ship, even hitting her since she smiled all the time. Koala suddenly pulled out a rag and started cleaning the floor, saying she will do anything to keep them happy and apologized profusely. Jinbe then asked her if she was afraid of them. Koala stated that she is, but she wanted to see her mother again, so she gathered the courage to come aboard their ship, begging them not to kill her.

One of the Sun Pirates explained that the lifestyle of a slave has been integrated into her body. If they cried or took a break, they would be killed by their owner. Soon, being on guard all the time became a reflex.

Tiger saw this and ordered Koala to be taken to his room. He then branded Koala with the Sun symbol, stating it was a necessary measure to free her of her burden. Koala awakened and apologized for passing out and once again said that she will not cry.

Tiger yelled at her, saying that she was allowed to cry if she wished and told her that he is not the same as the Celestial Dragons.

He then took his gun and threw it overboard, stating once more that he will not kill anyone. Tiger then ordered his crew that they are going to take Koala home no matter what. Upon hearing this, Koala finally cried.

While on the surface the story seems fine, but inside there is a lot more things going on. The CP agents were keeping an eye on the movements of the sun pirates very closely. When they found out that, the sun pirates were looking for an eternal log pose for Foolshout island, they investigated it. Finally from one of the island's inhabitants they found out that, the sun pirates have taken in an escaped slave to return her to Foolshout Island. After that they approached the people of the Foolshout island giving them hope, that they will not take back the slaves if they cooperate with the word government and inform them about the arrival of the fisher tiger. To which, the people of the island as well as Koala's mother agreed.

In another timeline fisher tiger would have fallen for the ambush created by the Marines and eventually would have died from refusing to transfuse human blood.

But in this timeline the things were going in a different direction. From picking up Koala, to taking her to the Foolshout island, the sun pirates spent a lot of time searching for an eternal log pose to the island.

And that time was almost about 3 months.

Hancock was actively searching for Fisher Tiger. And Gloriosa, has taken the lead to search for information. With her experties she was able to create an information network in the black market. Although it can't be compared to something like cypher pole, but it was her own information network.

And due to the time, the sun pirates took to reach the Island, Gloriosa was able to collect enough information about the motives of the marines.

The Sun Pirates managed to get a hold of an Eternal Pose to Koala's home island. They even get Koala some new clothes and a haircut. Koala was understandably nervous and continued cleaning the ship while Aladine, the merman who explained about her slave upbringing, told the others to leave her be since it takes a while for trauma to be forgotten. Arlong however continued to remain antagonistic towards her, firmly believing that all humans are alike and that she would turn against them as she grew older.

Jinbe thinks otherwise, telling Arlong that not all humans think the same and that they seem to be afraid of fish-men. When Jinbe asked Koala if it was because they are pirates, Koala answered it is because humans do not know anything about fish-men. This makes Jinbe realize that this is the exact reason fish-men fear the humans. People from Roger pirates were completely different. Same things goes for someone like the war lord Hancock. Although, Jinbe was still unsure about the massage, he still decided to hold onto the information due to his mistrust.

Days passed on the ship and Koala was treated nicely by the pirates. Soon the ship reached Koala's home island, Foolshout Island. Tiger offered to take Koala to her hometown as the Sun Pirates wished her well as she headed off, with her promising to tell the good things about them. Soon they reached her village and Koala was reunited with her mother.

On the other hand silver pearl was facing the ship of vice admiral Borsalino, the only vice admiral, who has yet to become an admiral.

"Warlord Boa Hancock... Why are you blocking our path ?" Borsalino or otherwise known as Kizaru, asked Hancock. Behind him, almost all of them, were turned into stones.

"Hmph ! You are the one who is on my way !"


Due to the interference of Hancock, the marines were unable to ambush the sun pirates in time. By the time they caught them, all of them escaped. But Kizaru still managed to capture Arlong and injure Fisher Tiger. So later tiger decided to retire and Jinbe became the new leader of the fishman pirates.

After the incident, Jinbe understood his mistake and declared the fake death of Fisher Tiger saving him.

In this entire incident, Hancock's name didn't came to the surface.



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