Chapter 66: Kingdom of the sylvan elves Pt 2

[General POV]

-With Aldril-

"woow! How comfortable the elves' beds are," I sighed in pleasure as I threw myself onto the bed. A few moments ago, they had led Bilbo and me to our resting place, a cozy room that coexisted harmoniously with nature. Tree roots and various flowers adorned the chamber, a marvel; my elven blood boiled with happiness in such an environment.

It was curious how this elven kingdom was underground. This demonstrated that not only the dwarves were skilled experts in constructing realms. "It's a shame that such a beautiful kingdom is overshadowed by all the dark magic surrounding it," I murmured, my gaze lost on the ceiling.

I closed my eyes, wanting to sleep a bit and rest properly. It seemed like we had only walked through the forest for a short time, but he knew better than anyone that we had walked for days. Along the way, I provided food to the dwarves since, apparently, the dark magic had altered their sense of time. Knowing I was the only one unaffected, I took on the task of remembering that they needed to eat occasionally.

If it weren't for Aldril and his swords that alleviated the dark magic in the surroundings, the dwarves would have already started hallucinating, losing their provisions along the way, and, just like in the books, they would have entered a food crisis, leading them to wander the forest and lose their way.

Although the latter did end up happening when Aldril threw himself into the river to rescue Bombur and separated from the dwarves, allowing the dark magic to influence them to stray from the path.

While Aldril was closing his eyes and trying to reach the realm of Morpheus, some knocks on the door made him open his eyes heavily. He remained silent for a few seconds until he replied with a tired voice, "Who is it?"

On the other side of the door, a delicate voice he recognized instantly responded, "It's me, Tauriel."

Hearing the name of the voice he recognized, he calmly got out of bed, dispelling the drowsiness with a gentle tap on his cheek. He walked toward the door, opening it only to be enchanted by the beauty that ignited the flames of his emotions, which he struggled to suppress.

Upon seeing the open door, Tauriel prepared to state her purpose for coming. However, the words got stuck as their gazes met once more, losing themselves in those amber-colored eyes that seemed to softly shine like the light of Eärendil.

She had to admit that Aldril had inherited the most striking feature of Lady Tindómiel.

Moreover, his beauty was very different from what she was accustomed to. While the elves who tried to court her were of delicate beauty, Aldril's was wild and masculine. Just thinking about it made her heart race.

Her reverie was broken by Aldril's husky voice, the same voice that had so enchanted the others in the village where she grew up. "Did you need something from me?"

Looking away in embarrassment, Tauriel cleared her throat. "Yes, the queen wishes to see you. She understands that you're exhausted from the journey, but if possible, she hopes to see you right now," she replied delicately, gently moving a lock of her hair behind her ear with a soft gesture.

The nearby elven guards observed Tauriel's gentle and delicate behavior, being surprised in the process. It was well known throughout the kingdom that the captain of the guard was strict and fierce, very different from the common elves, who were delicate and kind-hearted. Now, the captain was behaving like a delicate lady, a stark contrast to the tough warrior woman they were used to.

As if sensing the nearby guards' thoughts, Tauriel turned to look at them with a frosty gaze. Her demeanor changed drastically, and the guards quickly straightened up, avoiding the fierce eyes of their captain.

Seeing no change in the guards, Tauriel withdrew her fierce look, giving way to a softer one as she looked back at Aldril, who was smiling amusedly at the guards' incredulous stares. However, his thoughts were racing as he considered what Tauriel had said. 'Queen? Could Legolas's mother still be alive?'

Shaking his head slightly, he stopped thinking about it. The plot had changed, and it wasn't surprising that Legolas's mother might still be alive. Finally, he replied, "Alright, lead the way."

Nodding, Tauriel turned around and began to walk, followed by Aldril, who positioned himself to her right. They walked down a hallway in comfortable silence, only broken when Aldril noticed the walls adorned with paintings that detailed a story. "Those paintings, what are they?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Tauriel looked at the paintings and, with a smile, explained, "These are paintings that detail the history of my people. Look, in that one over there, it shows the battle Lady Tindómiel had with the dragon Smaug." Pointing to the painting, she took Aldril's hand and guided him toward it.

Aldril observed the painting closely. He didn't know much about his mother, so anything said about her was welcome, especially learning that she had faced Smaug. With the little knowledge he had of his mother's strength, it was a miracle that Smaug came out alive.

"This painting shows how Lady Tindómiel fought Smaug in Mirkwood," Tauriel began narrating like a historian, recounting what was written in the painting. She spoke with grace and joy, a smile forming on her lips as she narrated the events. She loved to read and, even more, to share her knowledge and tell stories of the past. Very few knew about this passion of hers, and those who did were her adoptive family.

Aldril paid close attention to the story Tauriel was telling, but he also took a few seconds to admire her radiant smile. There was no doubt she was enjoying herself, sharing the story behind this painting.

Both were so focused, one narrating, the other listening, that they didn't notice an elegant figure approaching them from behind. Since the figure bore no ill will towards them, they remained unaware. With light steps and unparalleled grace, the figure approached them.

"I knew I'd find you here," Thalwen spoke softly. She had already imagined her daughter entertaining the young son of Tindómiel with the paintings that illustrated his mother's contributions to the peace of the kingdom, which had been so hard-won.

That melodious voice caught their attention. Recognizing the voice, Tauriel quickly turned and, with a slight bow, apologized, "I'm sorry, Queen Thalwen, I lost track of time."

Aldril, on the other hand, turned calmly, only to be surprised by the ethereal beauty of the woman before him. Her blonde hair shone with unmatched grace, as if the golden rays of the summer sun were woven into her silky locks. 'Is that Legolas's mother? She's stunningly beautiful,' he thought. However, her beauty didn't overwhelm him to the point of being struck dumb or awestruck; it was simply like admiring a work of art for a moment.

This was because, to his eyes, there was already someone else far more captivating with unmatched beauty. Knowing this person was the queen, he followed Tauriel's example and made a slight bow, with his hand placed on his chest, a standard gesture of chivalry from his previous world. "It is an honor to meet you."

Thalwen acknowledged Aldril's gesture. She wouldn't have minded if he hadn't greeted her with respect, as she had recently learned from Galadriel that the boy had been raised in a human village, and she assumed he might not have the manners typically used by elves. But it seemed she was mistaken.

With a delicate, graceful motion that came naturally to her, she said, "There's no need to be so formal with me. Come, let's go somewhere we can talk." Turning gracefully, she walked ahead of them. Both looked at each other for a moment, then chuckled softly and followed her.

Thalwen clearly sensed the chemistry between the two, which brought a smile to her thin, delicate lips.

It didn't take long for them to reach a lush and vibrant garden, a stark contrast to the forest outside. Here, trees thrived with vitality, flowers stood tall, and a diversity of colors adorned the garden, with a floral scent that filled their nostrils with each step they took.

They followed Thalwen to a structure that stood out in the center of the garden. Upon reaching it, they sat at opposite ends, with Thalwen in between. The silence, punctuated only by the birds chirping in the garden, was broken by Thalwen's melodious voice. "Here we can talk in peace," she said as she turned to Aldril. "If it's not too much trouble, may I know your name?"

Nodding with a smile, Aldril rose from his seat and, with a courteous bow, said, "I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Aldril, son of Tindómiel."

"Yes, there's no doubt you are her son; you have your mother's dark hair and her beautiful amber eyes," Thalwen replied with a charming smile. "So, young Aldril, could you tell me where you've been all this time? We've been searching for you for a long time," she continued.

"Searching for me?" he asked, puzzled. He didn't understand why Legolas's mother had been looking for him.

Noticing Aldril's confused expression, Thalwen realized that he didn't seem to know much about his mother, so she explained, "Yes, I'm a very close friend of your mother. We fought together against the kingdom of Angmar and in the War of the Last Alliance. When she informed us of her pregnancy, she asked Galadriel and me for a favor, that if anything happened to her, one of us would raise you as our own child. However, after your disappearance, we searched everywhere for you but found no trace. We feared the worst, but before your mother departed to Valinor due to her injuries, she told us she felt you were still alive. We clung to that hope, and now I see that she was not wrong."

Her words left him stunned. He never would have imagined that Legolas's mother had been friends with his own, let alone that he had also been searched for by Galadriel, one of the strongest elves in all of Middle-earth. 'Damn it, Mom, you never stop surprising me.'

"Well, to be honest, I was raised in a human village near the Shire. My great-grandmother, Elwing the Fair, raised me. I'm not sure why you couldn't find me," he replied, causing Thalwen's eyes to widen in surprise.

"Elwing the Fair? But she's supposed to be in Valinor," she said calmly, her brow furrowing. "Unless…" she murmured, bringing one of her delicate hands to her chin in thought.

Tauriel was equally surprised, casting a quick glance at her adoptive mother, who was still deep in thought. It seemed she already knew what had happened to Lady Tindómiel. 'Then why didn't she tell me?' Tauriel wondered, feeling a pang of sadness.

At that moment, while both were silent, an elegant figure full of grace entered the garden. Aldril watched him from his seat, and when he noticed the crown adorned with autumn and spring flowers at both ends, he realized who it was.

'Thranduil, the King of the Woodland Elves and Legolas's father.'

Thranduil also observed Aldril closely. There was no doubt that he was Tindómiel's son, the elf who had helped him repel Smaug and cleanse part of the forest of dark magic. With calm steps, he walked toward his wife, who was still lost in thought. Her beautiful face dazzled Thranduil's eyes, which softened as he saw her furrowed brow. His wife tended to make those expressions when she was deep in thought.

"What has you so thoughtful, my dear?" he asked as he took the seat Tauriel had offered him.

Seeing this, Aldril gestured for Tauriel to sit next to him. With a slightly downcast expression, Tauriel complied and sat by his side. He took her hand, and Tauriel looked at him. In that glance, she saw how much Aldril cared for her, trying to offer comfort even though he didn't know the reason for her sadness. This act made her smile; the sadness receded, but despite feeling better, she didn't let go of his hand.

On the other side, Thranduil had already spoken with his wife, understanding why she was so pensive. But there would be time later to ponder how an elf was allowed to return from Valinor to Middle-earth. He focused his attention on Aldril, who, sensing his gaze, looked back at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, son of Tindómiel. I've been in your mother's debt ever since she helped my kingdom," he said, meeting Aldril's eyes. "Now, forgive my curiosity, but could you tell me what you're doing with a group of dwarves?" he asked. He had already guessed why Thorin and his company had passed through Mirkwood but wanted confirmation.

Aldril responded without much hesitation, imagining that Thranduil might be similar to his portrayal in the movie and wanting to avoid any trouble he replied "We're going to Erebor. Gandalf the Grey advised us to pass through this forest. As for why I'm with them, it's because Thorin hired me as his adventurer."

"Why would he hire you?" Thranduil asked, already suspecting the answer.

"To finish what my mother started…" Aldril closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them with palpable determination in his gaze. Even his dark hair began to shine faintly. "I will kill Smaug."


I don't want to starve you to death, so thank me properly you filthy orcs! 

They are very hungry, I've seen fics with only 900 words and I always try to give them at least 1500, but it depends on how inspired I am to write more than 2000 thousand words.

Remember to support me on patreon where there are 15 advanced chapters, your support helps me to keep writing.
