chap 18: Training The Four and Otsutsuki Massacre

The next day team 7 go to there first C mission because there display in the first test so Minato let them do this mission. This mission is protect bridge builder Tazuna.

Naruto:" so this the man that will go with us."

Minato:" yes, there will have some hire to kill he so we have to protect him."

Tazuna:" does they strong enough Hokage Sama."

Minato:" yes they will my son and his friends strong than their sensei, they defended him in the first test."

Tazuna looked at the three young ninjas in surprise.

Kakashi: "Then we should go."

The group started moving to the wharf. On the way, Naruto felt two streams of chakra. Sasuke and Sakura also felt it.

Sasuke: "Kakashi sensei we sensed two pulses of chakra recently. "

Sakura: "Allow us to deal with them."

Kakashi:" Tazuna San please stay close to me and Naruto let those two handle this."

Tazuna:" ok I believe you and when I heard that your students won against you from the first day I don't believe it but now I know it is true.

Sakura and Sasuke both stood in front of the pond. Sasuke then prepare his lightning jutsu. While Sakura rises her fist

Sasuke:" Chidori " he thrust his hand to the pond and two people came out of there. Sakura: "cha" then punch them making them fainted.

Kakashi:" this two is The two demons brother. Well done you come"

Sasuke:" this is easy it's nothing for us to worry about."

Sakura:" well let's complete this mission."

They continued to travel and when they went to the bridge. They saw that there was mist around them. Suddenly a figure revealed in front of them.

Kakashi:" who are you?"

??: My name is Zabuza."

Naruto:" can you go away we want to finish this mission quickly."

Zabuza:" you seem arrogant ha well let see you can keep that when you die."

Kakashi sight, Sasuke and Sakura laugh.

Naruto:" wind style:Rasenshuriken" Zabuza dodges the Rasenshuriken but Naruto suddenly appears and smashes him with another Rasengan

Naruto:" well that fast. Let go Tazuna San"

Before they go a girl come and take Zabuza away she look at them personally Naruto. While Naruto looks at that girl and never take his eyes out of her.

Naruto:" a Yuki clan. This is fun she beautiful. "

Sasuke:" don't tell me you love her."

Naruto:"well she beautiful but not like me Hinata."

Sakura:" I don't have anything to say about this. Us girls will keep our boyfriends like more than anything and some will get jealous if the boy meets another girl. But I bet Hinata will hunt you. So good luck"

Kakashi:" Tuzana-san why is he behind you. I see some ninja want to kill you."

Tuzana:" I will tell everyone everything. It originated when the bridge connecting my village with other places was destroyed, so we wanted to use money to rebuild another bridge, but Gato stole our wealth. When we wanted to build this bridge, he stopped us and threatened to kill us."

The whole group of 7 didn't say anything, but they all really wanted that Gato guy to be punished. Naruto suddenly thought of an interesting way.

Naruto:" Mr. Tazana don't worry we will take care of this bastard. Your village will soon have peace again. "

Naruto then took out a purple crystal, crushed it and from the pieces emerged a formless entity. It is little Rimuru's daily food. Naruto discovered this when he accidentally dropped the gem and it turned into a shapeless entity. Naruto's whole family immediately became alert and held little Rimuru in their arms to stay away from that entity. He did nothing but watched Rimuru walk over and kneel before the baby. Rimuru's arms immediately absorbed it as dinner for the baby.

Naruto wanted to test it, causing Gato to become crazy and, without control, kill his own subordinates.

And just like what Naruto wanted, Gato became crazy and personally massacred his subordinates. Zabuza saw that so he also killed Gato and took part of his treasure away.

Naruto:" wait Zabuza do want to join the Leaf village, you don't have to be a rough ninja anymore and can live in Konoha freely, you can also get a job too."

Zabuza:" hahaha kid you are weird, I your enemies then you want me to come with you and live in Konoha and be the Leaf ninja."

Naruto:" well that your choice, I not gonna force you. Oh and you too beautiful girl." He looked at Haru with interest which make her think he a prevent.

Haku:" this is a good offer Zabuza Sama. We don't have to run anymore and can live our life. And stop looking at me you prevent fox."

Naruto:" prevent fox ha girl I not a prevent but a look interested in your Yuki clan. And you look beautiful." He smirk

Haku:" prevent "

Go to Riza side she now stand in the Otsutsuki planet. She looks at this place and feel disgusted about this planet. She then go to the Main house it looks like some Japan house in old time. When she go inside she saw a Otsutsuki that looked like some young master with big belly and 4 girls around him. She laughed which make him awake. He looked at her and lust show in his eyes.

Riza:" disgusting pig you dare to look at me with those eyes, Disgusting."

Young master:" you dare speak to me this way but you have a good body sever me and this will be forgiven."

Riza smile then summon her spear she smiled creepy then slash the Young master in A half then she Slash more and make his body become many small cube. She make him alive and head his scream.

Young master: "ahhhhhhhh please kill me please."

Riza:" YES YES SCREAM MORE MORE. HAHAHHAHAH." She the transform to her new Outer from It has exsekeleton like armour, four draconic horn. A circle above her head it like a crown. She then fly outside then make the planet look like hell endless chaos flame burn bright. Couless scream and some being like demon.

Riza:" your master has disrespect me so now I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU THEN TO THE FOOLISH GOD OF YOU. LET THE NIGHTMARE BEGIN. Let this is my gift to you"

She went and will many corrupted Otsutsuki she doesn't kill the innocent. She make them all feel million time and make them can't even die this is the true horror. Death was a blessing for them. She stab them with her chain and toss them like meat. Or she tear them with her claws slowly. She show them horror, madness, chaos. This is her true natural then endless Chaos. The nightmare of all creation.