chap 24 the past need to remember 1

When the group leave scp Riza look at Rimuru and Anny, Anna. She thinks about her od family when she died did they live well. So she make her decision to visit them the last time.

Riza:" kid I will take you two to met my old family ok. They are the reason of my life."

Rimuru:" ok mom."


Riza:" Anna I will introduce you to them too, they very kind so you don't have to afraid."

Anna:" I never think that you would let me meet our parents this quick. "

Riza:" time is meaningless with us so we just like three or four days but to them it like 3 or 4 years. And I have something to do. "

Anna:" let go meet them I ready."

Riza:" ok. But let transform to our true self. We have to make a good entrance."

Anna:" you always like a child. Ok then let transform to our true self."

She transformed to the anti narrative while Riza to her Outer From. Riza size is multiple multiverse. Anna, Rimuru, Anny sit on her shoulder then she opened the portal and when to her old world.

In Riza old world, her old family live well after she died. They do the promise that they said to her, they slowly go though this but the wound can't heal. They some time wish to see her again.

It just like many normal days but thing about to change this to a horror. Just like many normal days in the world but suddenly a red portal open and a figure it has purple skin like, have a wide mouth with sharp teeth and glowing with chaos energy that always burn bright

Two long hand with black sharp claws and tentacle legs and a purple circle behind her.

Riza look around she saw people start to run because of fear she lift her hand then make a small black cube then throw it to the sky. The whole world see this it cause a huge impact on the world. They never thought that a being will visit them like this. Then the being open it mouth.

Riza:" greeting human i just come for a small visit then I will go so be clam and do whatever you always do this black cube is a black hole so if you try to bother me then this is your end. Now I must go for a reunion so bye."

She disappeared then turn back to her human from. Anna also come with her while carry Rimuru and Anny they walk toward Riza old house which in Vietnam. When Riza back to this place she feels her eyes water.

Anna:" why are you crying. Does it bring bad memories. "

Riza:" no it just this is the place my family live and the place I was born I never thought I can went back to my own countryside."

Anna kissed her forehead make Riza blush.

Anna:" it your past you can't predict it back then because you still can't break those seal that place on you when you're a human. But let all those sadness gone and meet my mother in law and father in law then."

Riza:" ye let go meet them. I will make a suprise for them. "

She and Anna with Rimuru and Anny come to a small house for 4 people that has two floors. The house has white and light yellow colour a backyard. Riza took a deep breath then pressed the bell. A woman that in 50-60 years old come and open the door, she saw two foreigner with two child.

The woman:" can I help you." She speaks in English hope they can understand. Riza can't hold her tear then hug the old woman make her suprise.

Riza:" mom it me your child."

The woman:" my child but I only have 2 sons." She has many questions in her head. Riza know what her mother means then transform to her past. Then the woman widen her eyes when she see the son that died.

Riza:" mom sorry for make you feel sad, I am your died son. It me, let go inside then I will answer all of this and call father and brother too."

Ngoc:" yes let go, come this is your house."

Riza:" thanks mom, let go guys " they when to the house Riza let her mother sit then go to the kitchen make some for them and two little children. Ngoc all her husband Phong and her son Thanh back to the house she said it important.

Ngoc:" so where you have been all the time I saw you died in front of me and your body buried."

Riza:" I will tell you all about this mom. Oh and let me introduce to you this is my wife Anna and my two kid Rimuru and Anny. Come on you two say hello to grandma."

Rimuru:" hi grandma I am Rimuru and I'm 3"

Anny:" and I'm 5 grandma."

Anna:" hello mother in law I am Anna or Anafabula Riza wife."

Ngoc:" oh where my manner, I am Ngoc Riza mother. Oh hello my two grandchildren come give grandma a hug " Rimuru and Anny come and hug her it make her feel joy.

Ngoc:" they lovely but you two are woman how can you have a child. "

Anna:" well um Riza has a male genitals."


Riza:" mom please don't look at me like that." Suddenly the front door open and Phong and Thanh go inside they see two women and two child.

Ngoc:" oh you guys back."

Phong:" yes we heard that you said it important so we when fast we could. Oh and we have guests. "

Ngoc:" oh yes, let sit down and she will answer everything. "

Riza:" yes father let sit down you too brother."

Thanh:" do I know you. "

Riza:" yes you know me it me your older brother." She reform to her past self then walk to him.

Riza:" look at you know, you had grown up. Do you have girlfriend. "

Thanh:" sister or brother? And who is she and the two kid."

Riza roll her eyes:" sister and this is my wife and children. "

Thanh:" you two are girl wait does it like what I think. "

Riza:" yes, yes it's"

Thanh:" oh, i not gonna think about that then."

Riza:" father why you silent all the time ?"

Phong:" it just too much for me to handle, and thank you for looking after my daughter." He thanked to Anna, she stand up then when to him.

Anna:" father in law thank you for accepting our relationship."