chap 31 Time skip to the main plot

To Raiko, Anna and Anny they travel to some country and make fame. For Anna they call her Black Thorn because she always kill monster with black thorn and delete them, Raiko Empress of Lighting.

While be an adventure they teach Anny about her power they found that she can kill anyone that have intense to hurt her with biological manipulation. They spend time to teach her max her ability now she can manipulate any living being biological make they die instantly, her emotions effect to other she can heal them or kill them with her emotions.

When they passed through the Nasca Namrium Ulmeria United Eastern Empire they saw this country had the most people trading with the most goods.

Raiko: "Let's find a guide here to register."

Anna: "Okay, let's find out more about this place."

The two entered the guide, making everything quiet. A few people exclaimed because they recognized Raiko and Anna and Anny.

??:" is that Black Thorn and Empress of Lighting and there daughter."

??:" I didn't expect them to come to this place."

Among those people were a blonde-haired boy and a pink-haired girl.

Yellow hair: "I didn't expect to meet them here. It would be great if we could invite them to join our team."

Pink hair: "That's true but it's not easy, brother."

Yellow hair: "You're too cautious, Lucia"

Lucia: "You're too lenient with everything, Rudra. You're the king of a country and you like to be an adventurer."

Rudra: "It's just because I'm bored. I'll try to talk to them and if I can get them to join our group, that would be great." Saying that, Rudra walked closer to where Anna, Anny and Raiko were, wearing adventurer outfits to travel comfortably.

Rudra: "Would you three like to join my group?"

Raiko: "Hmm, I already have a group and we're splitting up to do the mission."

Rudra: "Is that so, what a pity."

Anna: "hm we can go on a mission together if you two need help."

Lucia: "That's great, thank you. By the way, what tasks do you guys usually do?"

Anny: "Ah, my mothers often take me to kill S or A level monsters."

Rudra: "huh"

Lucia: "huh"

The whole guide was silent because of Anny's words, some fainted, some didn't believe what they heard.

Rudra: "So why haven't you guys gotten to A rank yet? That's about A or S range."

Raiko: "Ah, we don't care about those rankings, we just take their bodies. Well, we have to go, bye."

Anny: "bye, bye"

Lucia: "They're really strange, Rudra."

Rudra: "ha we just found a group that doesn't care about rankings. Well let's go on our way."

Over a long period of time, many events took place. Veldanava and Lucia met and became husband and wife. Some time later they had a daughter together, named Milim Nava. When Milim was born, Veldanava's energy passed into her, causing him to lose almost all his energy. But Riza taught me how to store energy and use turn null to regain lost energy. He used turn null and converted it into his energy so he still retained his power. He started letting his USs into the world keeping only US Michael.

Rudra also met Veldanava and was accepted as his student to awaken the Ultimate Skill Uriel. Rudra also met Velgrynd and the two became companions. When Veldanava and Lucia lived in Nasca Namrium Ulmeria United Eastern Empire, another country invaded out of jealousy. He let them all die and then Lucia and he returned to the end of space and time. Lucia also became a Saint and acquired US Rafael. They decided to fake their death to the world just tell important people to them that they leave this place to go to Veldanava place. His angle go with him.

While Riza begin to created her Chaos army of Angle. She uses the corpses of monsters she kills to form Chaos Angle. It has two wings one is Angle one is Demon and has no body only one big eye. She is pleased with this will be her army for some war and she will let them go with Rimuru and Anny to conquer some planets.

Guy and Rudra also meet and they become friends and rivals. Rudra do the most stupid thing is named Guy now his name is Guy Crimson. Which make Rudra almost die if not for Veldanava use the most skill he uses to recover his energy Rudra has died. After many battles they decided to place a chess game where they would use pawns to fight each other. Demon Lord and Human, after many years, the second generation of Demon Lords were born, respectively Luminous Valentine and Dino the Fallen angle. He becomes fallen when he has feeling and desire for him self.

After long time an Event that occurred once every 500 years in this war Dagruel a giant join the war and become the The Demon Lord he war a gate guardian of Heaven of Veldanava. In this fight Milim also join and make the battle to one side she kill many and also destroy some countries. She become Demon Lord after this. When the war in high time Riza appeared this make all people at the war stop there doing.

Riza: "um chaos Veldanava did have a good taste, he learned from me it was fun but this has to stop so." Her armor began to covered her then Olethros True Spear of Destruction manifested in her hand "will we play." Her smile makes all feel fear of the Angle for the first time of their life they feel it, Guy Milim, Dagruel, Luminous all feel death come to them.

Raiko: "yes we will my dear wife"

Anna: "who couldn't dance with my cute wife" there voice echo though the battlefield.

Milim: "Auntie, you come. Then I have to go bye." When she was born they were her godmother, they liked her very much but when she did not behave well they punished her during the time she feared them more than her mother which made Lucia feel wrong in some ways.

Guy:" well I go to Velzard, I not gonna fight them. Dagruel my invitation still on so if you want to join just come to my place Luminous too."

Dagruel:" yes I leaving this battle too, I can't fight again Veldanava - Sama sister. And Guy I will think about it"

Luminous stood there and looked at the three girls with their stunning beauty, her face turned red and her nose bled.

Luminous:" oh my they beautiful. I must make them let me become her wife too. Ahhhh imagine about this kyaaa."

She flew the same high as them then let her power explore. Which makes Raiko, Riza and Anna look at her with some weird face. They all have the same thought did this crazy girl.

Luminous: "I Luminous Valentine wants to make You my Wife."

Raiko:" what "

Anna: "what"

Riza:" eh. Girl do you hit your head"

Luminous:" no, I love you at first sight and want to be your wife."

Anna, Raiko and Riza looked at each other then laughed it made Luminous confused.

Riza: "Hahaha Girl I already have two wives and I'm not gonna have more."

Luminous heart broken, she lost all her hope she can't join them anymore.

Luminous:"why all this happened to me, why I still can't find love. Why!!!" Her desire and rage make her have Unique Skill Lust. She when berserk and attacked the three.

Riza Raiko and Anna feel nothing but they want to test her so they take some and dodge some of her attack. Riza nod at this and make some plan.

Riza:" ok this enough. Stop" Luminous stop berserk and clam down.

Riza lifted her chin and smiled.

Riza: "I think you're very good, but your ability can be even stronger. Although I don't accept your offer, don't worry, I have something that can attract your attention.

Luminous: "really, so what is it?"

Riza: "ha ha ha I have two daughters, the older daughter is Rimuru and the younger one is Anny. I intend to find a future daughter-in-law for Rimuru and you are worthy."

Luminous: "eh!!!! Future daughter-in-law. But what if she doesn't like me."

Riza: "Don't worry, she's very simple, just need you to tempt her with something she likes and it'll be fine. She's getting older and I need someone to be with her from now on."

Luminous: "I agree, mom!!!"

Rimuru did not know that it was her mother who found her a wife. Rimuru suddenly felt cold.

Rimuru: "why is it so cold"