chap 37 Shizu Izawa

Anny pov

My sister's small village has changed a lot. From the goblin huts there are now wooden houses. An additional 500 goblins joined the village because they learned about her taming the Star Wolf.

Now I'm deep in the woods practicing my US. My strength is more about manipulation compared to her.

Anny:" now, Domain of Infinity Nightmare."

As I finish the place change into a place with many nightmare entity, some black thorn like mommy Anna.

Anny:" um, with my biological manipulation in my domain nothing can escape me."

As I train more I note there a group of adventures chased by giant ants so i decided to help them. I fly fast to there then shield a girl with black hair from the ants.

Anny:" you annoy me so die." I make there brain explode then look back the group. " Are you guy alright."

Shizu pov

Hi my name is Shizu Izawa, I know as The Conquer of Flame now I was running why well I with 3 idiots go in the Jura Forest but there leader so dumb he poke a giant ants nest.

Then I turn around and easily kill them but I missed one. When I ready for this ifrit want to take control. I lost all my strength and accept my fate.

Shizu:" so this is how I die."

But before the ant can hurt me a young girl fly down and stand before me. What shock me is with only her word make the ant head explode. It shocked me. I looked at the 3 they have same experience like me. The girl then turn back and asked me.

Anny:" are you guys alright. And who are you ?

Shizu:" oh my bad, my name is Shizu Izawa."

Anny:" Shizu ummmm."

Shizu:" is there anything wrong."

She starting at me with that cute face. Then she come and hold my hand. I crouched close to her height.

Anny:" sis do you want to come to my sister village." I had a question mark in my head.

Shizu:" your sister village ?"

Anny:" um, let go "

After that she take us to her sister village I saw many monsters live like human, it beautiful to see some rare stuff like this. I note a girl with blue and purple hair and yellow eyes, her face was a charming and youthful face with soft features, typically adorned with a friendly smile I feel my face red. ' she is beautiful '

Anny:" Rimuru onee - chan I brought a cute girl to our village."

Shizu:" eh beautiful, don't say something like that."

Rimuru:" oh Anny and this must be the girl you brought back. I guess those 3 is her party."

Anny:" yes Onee-chan, when I training my skill I note they attacked so I help them and invited them to here."

Rimuru pov.

When Anny said she invited some human to this place, so I come to see. I note a girl with black hair like what I saw in the elf bar. ' she indeed beautiful like what I seen that day.'

Rimuru:" we'll come to my village, you guys must be tired come let eat. I ask the goblins hunt some meat this morning."

I see they truly hungry, I look at Shizu she eat but doesn't take that mask off. Must be some issues. After eating I go to the cliff to see my village, i see Shizu in here too.

Shizu pov

Rimuru:" it beautiful right."

Shizu:" yes, the village is beautiful, the monsters live happy."

Rimuru:" Shizu are you Japanese." I didn't expect she asked this maybe she from Japan too.

Shizu:" yes, you too ?"

Rimuru:" no I saw that place one so I think you must be. I go to that place for fun with mom."

'She went to it, she can coss dimension, even that possible.' I curious about her more so I ask her.

Shizu:" Rimuru can you tell me who are you and where are you from."

Rimuru:" that easy but you have to promise me one thing."

Shizu:" eh, if it something I can do then it ok."

Rimuru:" I want you to live a life without regrets of the past. Life a live you want that all."

' without regret this....this I can't I don't have much time left. Maybe this moment is enough for me."

Rimuru:" you afraid about that fire spirit right"

Shizu:" how did you know about this Rimuru."

Rimuru:" it easy, when I saw you I have already get what cause you this pain. Do you want to live."

Live in this world. This world cause me pain of all my life maybe this can change forever.

So I decided.

Shizu:" Yes Rimuru I want to live, I want to do what I haven't done."

Rimuru:" Yes! I will help you."

She smiled at me it make my heart beat faster ' her smile is illegal. Did I love her no Shizu you just meet her.'

Rimuru take Ifrit out of Shizu body then put it in her dimensional she has a different plan for it.

I then feel the spirit left my body but nothing changed my body still the same. Then The Voice of The World tell.

VoW:( The First daughter of Riza Rosemary Creator of the world has give her blessing of Chaos to Shizu Izawa.

Acquiring unique skill heroic and Ignition. The individual has evolved into High human.)

Ehhhhhhh?! What daughter of second Creator. Now all that make sense I never thought I can meet someone who is this big shot.

Rimuru:" now that you can do what you regret."

Shizu:" why did you help me this much, your status is high and I just an Orderworld."

Rimuru:" easy you are my fated one so it ok for me to help you Shizu."

My face red steam above my head. I think I have fall in love with her. She gives me another life, she help me to forgive my past and regret. Finally I can smile.

Shizu:" thank you Rimuru, I promise I will fill what I have lost and grown stronger to stand with you."

I feel tear roll down instinctively i tell her about my past, my mom, the first friend in this world and the first one I kill, Demon lord Leon and my teacher, the children I teach.

Rimuru suddenly hugged me I left all those tear out all those pain now I can release it. I have truly loved you Rimuru.

Shizu:" I love you Rimuru."

Rimuru:" I love you too"

We shared a passionate kiss, now I feel at peace. 'Thank you Rimuru.' After that I fell asleep in her arm.

Rimuru pov

That Leon, I will make you feel dreadful and nightmare that you will ask me to kill you. My eyes shine with gold and purple colour. My aura begin leak out. "I promise death just a mercy thing I give you Leon."

3rd pov

The whole world feel her aura, they all look at the sky and saw a gigantic Elderich avatar. Some thought apocalypse has come. In Luminous place she looks at the sky. She smiled then call her servant that she will come to Jura forest.

In other place an army of orc with full armour. They look mindless and destroyed anything in there part. An orc Lord gonna born.