Gift for the Heart

Alaina's complaints echoed in my ears as we combed the market stalls. "Honestly, I can't believe I'm dragged into this gift-buying mission." 

My own attempt to brainstorm solo had inevitably led me back to the bookstore – a dead end considering Sia and I shared exactly one mutual friend. Reduced to desperation, I'd bribed Alaina with five chocolates for her "expertise."

"I'm lost," I confessed, overwhelmed by the dizzying array of women's accessories. "Necklaces, bracelets, scarves… which one is it?"

A peal of laughter escaped Alaina. "You do realize I'm just twelve, right?"

Surprise brought me to an abrupt halt. "Yesterday you were claiming to be a girl who knew everything!"

A mischievous glint twinkled in her eyes. "A grown-up shouldn't take a child's pronouncements too seriously."

My heart sank, mirroring the plummeting of my hopes. But Alaina, ever the pragmatist, chirped, "Don't worry, mister! What kind of jewelry do you usually notice on her?"

Before I could overthink it, the answer tumbled out, unbidden.

"There!" Alaina crowed, a note of genuine admiration in her voice. "That wasn't so hard, mister. Now come on, I know just the place. My mom used to take me there all the time."

And so, with Alaina's surprising guidance, I found myself clutching a small, velvet box in my hand. It seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment, reflecting the weight of my burgeoning anxiety.

Back at the familiar corner table in Sparkle Cafe, I cleared my throat to catch Sia's attention. She looked as radiant as ever, bathed in the warm glow of the cafe's interior.

"Everything alright?" she inquired.

"Yeah, fine," I stammered, my voice betraying my nerves. "Just… nothing really."

Sia's brows furrowed slightly. "You seem… a little off today."

"I, uh…" Words eluded me. I desperately wanted to hand her the gift, but the first time always felt fraught. "There's something I wanted to ask you," I blurted out, opting for a different approach entirely.

Sia set down her coffee spoon, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. "Sure, fire away."

My mind scrambled. "Do you believe in… gods?"

A wry smile curved her lips. "Honestly? I believe in myself." She took a sip of her coffee, her tongue skimming her upper lip. "Do you?"

"Actually," I confessed, "I believe in goddesses."

"Oh? And what fantastical powers do they possess?"

"Nothing as grand as that," I replied, feeling myself blush. "They just… believe in themselves."

An awkward silence stretched between us, thick with the weight of my clumsy attempt at profundity. Just as I was about to apologize, a blush of her own bloomed across her cheeks. "That was a little…"

"Lame?" I ventured, anticipating her unspoken thought.

She shook her head, a genuine smile replacing the previous awkwardness. "No. Not at all. It was… nice. Thank you for saying that."

"Seriously?" I asked, surprised by the warmth in her voice.

"Absolutely," she confirmed.

Outside, the sky was starting to lose its light. "Well," I mumbled, gathering my courage, "I guess I should head out. See you around."

But the moment I rose to leave, a leaden weight settled in my gut. Fear choked my voice as I wrestled with myself – should I give her the gift, or retreat without a fight?

By the time I made my decision, Sia was already halfway across the street, engulfed by the bustling evening crowd. With a sigh of resignation, I bolted from the cafe and weaved through the throng, calling her name over the din of traffic.


She didn't hear me at first, lost in the sea of pedestrians. Just as I was about to give up, she finally turned.

"Rihan? What's wrong?" Concern creased her brow as she approached.

"Nothing," I mumbled, fumbling for the gift in my pocket. "This is probably the worst place to do this, in the middle of traffic, next to a dustbin, but…" With a flourish, I presented her with the wrapped box.

Sia accepted it with a surprised smile. "May I open it now?"

"Of course," I managed, feeling foolish for even questioning it.

With a delicate touch, Sia peeled back the shimmering paper, revealing a smaller box tucked within. Anticipation crackled between us as she gently lifted the lid. A gasp escaped her lips, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Wow," she breathed, her voice filled with genuine awe. The question tumbled out of me before I could stop it, a foolish echo of my anxieties. "Do you like it?"

 The answer was written in the way her gaze lingered on the contents of the box, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Like it?" she repeated, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "This is beautiful, Rihan. Thank you."

She picked up one of the silver earrings, its intricate design catching the light. Turning it over in her fingers, she examined it with a reverence that sent a thrill coursing through me. "This is really, truly… stunning. Thank you again."

In that moment, all the self-doubt that had plagued me since the gift-buying mission with Alaina evaporated.

Relief washed over me, sweet and complete. The gamble had paid off.