Ch 50: Night_owl

After returning to his original home, Arjun began his quest to search for the program of 'Night_owl' on the darknet.

His search took a long time. The task he thought could be accomplished in minutes took hours, then days, then weeks, and then months.

As Arjun was completely immersed in finding the code, he also took some time to deal with trading matters.

With Muthu's help in logistics and Surya's assistance in logistics, along with his role as a face for dealing with underworld groups as 'Athene'.

Surya became so prominent and experienced in handling meetings that to outsiders, it may have seemed like Arjun was working under Surya's shadow.

After three months of intense searching, he was finally able to find the program.

As he opened the program, three questions popped up on the screen with a heading,

"If you want the hidden code, you have to answer the following three questions."

The three questions were: