What He Wanted

Jessamyn nodded. He appeared to have something important to say. the boyish charm she saw on his face moments earlier was wiped out and the juvenile enjoyment apparent by his smile was replaced with pressed lips.

She observed his face closely. His deep-set green eyes were luminous as she remembered. His thick eyebrows and straight nose were the same as she remembered. His jaws had become more defined. His skin had gotten paler and rougher.

He grew up and got more handsome!

"I saved your life today," he stated.

"Yes," Jessamyn agreed. There was no doubt about that. "I am grateful you rescued me at the right moment. I can't imagine what would have happened if you were even a moment late," she said and bowed her head.

"How are you going to thank me?" he asked.

"How…?" Jessamyn was lost for words.