The Cottage


Jessamyn stood by the tree Jaylene had mentioned, her mind swirling with thoughts as she tried to decipher the bird's cryptic behavior. The bird, however, offered no further help and simply perched on a particular branch, staring at her in eerie silence.

Frustration mounting, Jessamyn knocked on the tree's bark, hoping for some sort of response. She tried reasoning with the tree, pleading with it, and even mumbled every spell she knew. But nothing seemed to work. The tree remained stubbornly unresponsive.

Above her, Jaylene cawed a couple of times, the sound mocking Jessamyn's fruitless efforts. The bird's tone was eerily reminiscent of Jerrick's mocking sneer, making her anger rise.

"Stupid bird," she muttered, her patience fraying. In a fit of frustration, she picked up a rock and aimed it at the annoying bird. But as she drew her arm back, she tripped over one of the tree's protruding roots.