
Louis stood on the battlements of Elodia, his eyes widening as he gazed at the sight below. A sea of soldiers, dark as a stormy ocean, descended from Mount Lumina, their numbers seemingly endless.

The Altanians hadn't waited—they had already begun their assault. The air was thick with the clash of steel and the shouts of war. His heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of fear and adrenaline surging through him. The fate of Elodia, his people, hung in the balance.

Beside him, William stood firm, his face a mask of determination. He handed Louis a detailed battle plan, outlining the defense strategy for the city's walls. Every contingency had been thought through—every movement of the enemy anticipated. Jerrick and William had prepared for this day, but even the most meticulous plans felt fragile in the face of such overwhelming numbers.