The Stalking Figure


With a deep breath, she stood up, her body still shaking but her resolve unyielding. She couldn't stay here. The others would be searching for him soon. This night, like so many before, offered no rest, no solace—only survival.

"Come on, boy," she whispered to Jostein, her voice soft but firm. The horse neighed gently, as if sensing her urgency and fear. His large, intelligent eyes locked onto hers, and in that brief moment, Jessamyn felt a flicker of reassurance.

She climbed onto his back, her legs weak but determined. Every muscle in her body screamed for rest, but rest was a luxury she couldn't afford. The moonless night stretched ahead like an endless abyss, but she urged Jostein forward, pushing him into a swift gallop.

The sound of hooves beating against the forest floor echoed in the stillness, a rhythmic heartbeat in the silence. The caw of Jaylene followed her.