A Good News


The relentless siege of Elodia raged on, a brutal test of endurance for its defenders. Day after day, the Altanian army pressed harder, their forces seemingly endless, their will unbroken. Elodia's walls had seen countless battles, but none like this.

The city groaned under the weight of war, its people huddled in fear as supplies dwindled, and the thunderous clash of steel and stone echoed through its streets. Yet, amidst the bloodshed and fire, a strange shift occurred—something subtle but powerful.

It was as though a dark fog that had long haunted the city began to lift, the spirit of division that had plagued the nobles weakening. Where once there had been discord and distrust among them, now there was unity. The nobles, who had previously squabbled over power and pride, found themselves standing together, bound by a fierce patriotism. Elodia was their home, and they would not let it fall.