Worried about his parents

The Chief security guard guided Hansen to the Tower one apartment and informed him about various departments and buildings which were there with so many modern facilities and amenities in the sky complex campus which he would not find in the outside world.

The Chief security guard said: "In the sky complex campus we have some of the best hospitals and medical facilities and the doctors in here are of the top class which you will find in the entire inner region and outer area of the Greenview city. Apart from the medical facilities we also have the modern schools and colleges built in here so that the students can continue their studies also he have to the city malls installed in here in the sky campus so if someone wants to go shopping they do not have to head outside this campus and for the people who like scenic beauty we have built parks with lakes and trees for fresh air. Of course if someone wants to head out of the campus they can do so with the sky campus information network which helps you to know the status of every area of the green view city to know whether it is safe to go there."

Hansen was just awed by the view which he had since in terms of comparison when he just thought about his life in the outer area of the Greenview city he had all kind of modern facilities and he used to live in a mansion which was quite advanced but when he sees this place it looks like he has come inside of some cyber world where every other thing was hi tech and almost all the necessary things of a city was available here. So it was as if a person need not put his foot outside the sky complex to meet his daily requirement.

After showing Hansen around and completing the brief tour of the sky complex the chief security officer showed him the tower one.

The chief security guard said: "Sir this is called the Tower one and your apartment is at the top most floor. Each floor had at least three apartments, however the top most floor had only one apartment. Let me take you there."

Hansen looked at the building which was a massive structure compared to the small buildings which were there in the outer area of the Greenview city. He followed the chief security guard and entered the building and crossed the reception area to take the lift and then they reached the top floor.

The chief security guard gave Hansen the access card and said: "Sir this is the access card of your apartment. In future if you face any issue you can always contact me and I will be there to assist you. Also we will take strict action against those security guards to teach them a lesson since they were not able to recognize you. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you on their behalf."

Hansen was a simple guy and would like to help people also he never liked to bully others. He also understood that the security guards were only doing their jobs by guarding the place and their intent was not to offend him deliberately. So when the chief security officer guided him up to his apartment and asked him if he would like to file a complaint against those security guards from before he replied in negative and asked the chief security officer to drop the matter since there was no fault of them since they have not seen him previously or did not have any identification details.

 Hansen said: "No need to do anything since it was not their fault because it was natural for them to not identify me since they have not seen me before or did not have any pictures of me and thank you for your assistance for this brief tour of the sky complex and leading me to my apartment."

After that the chief security guard excused himself politely and went to perform his duties in the security office and Hansen entered his apartment. 

Hansen was already a young master of the new generation and his parents were rich as per the standards of the outer area of the Greenview city. So he lived in a mansion which can be considered to be grand and had all the facilities so nothing surprised him which was inside his apartment. The only thing which he found interesting was that in this apartment he had a garden and a swimming pool for him to relax which were on his balcony which was quite big. The rest of the things in his apartment were quite simple to name a few. He had got two big bedrooms, one living room, kitchen and the necessary things."

So in his balcony he had two sections, one side of the balcony had a swimming pool in it from where he had a good view of the Greenview city and in the garden section of the balcony he had a view of the complete sky palace complex which was also a marvelous view.

He entered the garden section of the balcony and saw the different plants which were planted there. There were a variety of flowers and even some plants which could bear fruits which was amazing as he wondered how modern technology can grow all kinds of plants just in a balcony.

After looking at all the flowers and different kinds of plants he remembered how his mom used to like flowers so much even though she was a CEO of a company Misty association she was still in love with plants and liked to grow and plants by herself even though she had so many employees under her and servants at home but she liked to take care of the plants herself since many of the trees were planted by herself in her mansion.

Hansen was missing his parents very much. He wondered where they were and how they were doing after all it has been so many months since they have been missing. For the last two weeks it was very hard on him so he did not even had time to think of them on how to find them or rescue them since he was constantly being chased by Mr. Sloan his so called uncle and his men however now that he had got a shelter and a place to live so he promised himself that he will find his parents very soon and take his revenge on the people who made him and his family suffer.