Chapter 31: Magical Healing Powers

Hansen was very curious about his new skill, the Light of Healing. He looked at the screen in front of him as he saw the new skill which was blinking in red in the system interface.

He noticed that he got this new skill since he saved Mr. Smith and his family from the Goons.

Hansen thought: "So that means I can also earn system points by saving someone. It is not necessary to only hunt dangerous beasts."

Hansen was really relieved that he did not have to kill some wild animals since he was an animal lover and loved nature and its beauty. Previously he did not have a choice since he had to kill the tiger out of self defense since he was alone in the jungle and no one was there to help him. Also if he had not killed the tiger then he would have become the food of the tiger himself.

Then his eyes fell on his system screen and he saw the information about his new powers.

[Multiverse Prime System ]

[Saved Mr. Smith and his family from the Goons. Hundred points awarded.]

[Congratulations, the Host has leveled up. The next Level up requires two Hundred points]

[Leveling up bonus: One Hundred Million Dollars have been credited to the host account and the user has also been awarded the light of healing.]

[Character Information]

[Name: Hansen]

[Age: 17]

[Level: 5]

[Race: Human]

[Physical Fitness: 20]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Mana: 20/20]

[Total Points: 200]

[Points Left to spend: 150]

[ Skill: Poison,]

[ Skill Description: Poison, Requirements: Since this is not the host's natural ability it requires 2 Mana to use every time for this skill. Lethality level: Level 2. Once this poison hits the target the target will be dead within five minutes. Status: Locked. Note: To unlock this skill the user needs to upgrade his mana stats.]

[ Skill: Light of Healing]

[ Skill Description: Healing, Requirements: As per the severity of the injury the mana is consumed]

He looked at the new skill and saw that his new powers were related to healing.

Hansen was curious as to how these powers worked so he focused on the healing powers and as if to answer his queries more information popped up in front of him.

[ Skill Description: Healing, Requirements: As per the severity of the injury the mana is consumed]

[Details: Level 1 healing which can heal only the minor injuries, cuts, body aches. Depending upon the severity of the injury the mana will be consumed. It means that the more serious the injury is, the more mana will be exempted.]

Now he understood as per the description for now he can only heal minor injuries and the more severe the injury is the more mana it will consume. 

Hansen thought: "Though with this healing power I cannot do any self defense but this can come in handy to heal injuries. Also once I increase the level of healing powers my ability to heal injuries will increase."

Then he came out of the room since now he was not alone in the apartment anymore as he had Mr. Smith and his family residing in the apartment with him and previously Mr. Smith had called him.

Hansen saw Mr. Smith and his family were already waiting for him on the dining table with different variety of food and wondered how Mr. Smith had prepared so much single handedly since he was in a injured state and was bandaged almost from head to toe since the previous day he was beaten by Mr. Sloan's men.

Hansen said: "Uncle you have prepared so much yourself. Why do you have to do it when you are in so much pain yourself? We could have ordered food from the hotel after all here in the sky complex they have a very unique and variety of cuisines available all the time."

Mr. Smith said: "Young master you are after all the only heir of the family and since I am here how can I allow my young master to have food from outside. I will always make healthy food for my master and besides your Aunt Mrs. Smith has also helped a lot in the preparations of the breakfast."

Hansen was moved by the royalty of Mr. Smith to his family and also noticed how he was injured and was in so much pain still Mr. Smith was not complaining and only doing his job and wished if he could lessen his pain a bit.

Next moment he went to the dining table and sat on a chair while Mr. Smith served him food and then all of them started to eat.

In the meantime Hansen decided to use his healing powers on Mr. Smith so that his injuries can be healed so in his mind he selected his healing ability and focused on Mr. Smith.

System notification came.


[Target selected for Healing. Scanning the target complete body]

[Detected one fracture at the left elbow and ten bruises and three cuts on the target body.]

[Since the target injury is not any severe so a complete body heal is possible]

[Complete body heal requires fifty mana points]

[Does the host wants to spend fifty mana points to do a complete body heal of the target]

[Yes / No]

[Host has selected Yes]

[Performing the healing. Healing in progress 10%, 20%, 30%.... 70%, 100% healing complete]

As soon as the healing started by the system there was a white ray of light which came out of Hansen's eyes and struck Mr. Smith who was sitting right in front of him with bandages all over his body just besides Mrs. Smith.

No one noticed the white ray since it was invisible to the naked eye.

Mrs. Smith said "Hansen you have not yet started your breakfast yet. Is the food not good."

Hansen came out of his trance and answered: "No there is nothing like that. I always liked uncle's cooking. You know that I was just thinking how good it is to have you guys back. I am really sorry that due to me you all had to go through so much trouble and leave your home."

Mr. Smith said: "Do not say like that Young master I have always liked to follow your father and since he is not there I want to follow you and besides this apartment is not any less then the mansion which you previously had."

Fifteen minutes later they had their breakfast and Mr. Smith got up to complete the rest of his duties which he had as a butler but then he felt a bit different and very light as if the pain which he had was not there anymore.

Then he felt his elbow which was fractured but there was no pain at all. Also there were other bruises all over his body. He checked them out and to his surprise his whole body was clean with no bruises at all.

Mr. Smith said excitedly: "Honey look at this miracle which just happened. I do not have any pain in my body. It's not aching at all since there are no bruises. Also my elbow doesn't hurt."

Hansen was just sitting there enjoying the drama unfolding in front of him as Mrs. Smith was confused and said: "Darling what are you saying those men had hurt you so much yesterday. Even if it does not hurt you should be careful and do not try to overdo anything."

Mr. Smith said irritatedly: "No I mean to say it does not hurt as if there were no bruises at all in the first place and I feel like there is no fracture at all. I am just going to open my bandage now to check."

Mrs. Smith said: "No need to touch your hand, you will hurt yourself."

Though Mrs. Smith tried to convince her husband otherwise, Mr. Smith still opened the bandaged plaster on his left elbow to check and found as if there was no injury at all. Then he moved his left hand freely and punched a little but there was no pain at all.

Mr. Smith said happily: "Young master, see it's a miracle I am healed and I do not have any pain in my body."

Though Mr. Smith and his family were loyal to him still he did not want to reveal his powers yet to any one so he also gave a surprised expression and said: "Wow uncle you are healed that's great. I was so worried about you but it is a good thing that you are healed now and there is no pain."

After this little event and having breakfast with the Smith family he also felt a longing for his own parents as he remembered his parents were still missing so he returned to his own bed room.