Chapter 38: Discussions about college

Hansen had one of the worst nightmares as he was still recovering from the shock of what he had seen in the dream. Though everything had come back to the way it was and he was back in his home sweet home and got back his family but the time he had spent when he had missed his parents was still fresh in his mind so he was still recovering from it as he often had those nightmares.

Anna had already come up to wake up her son and as she saw her son in the shocked state understood at one glance that her son had a nightmare so she came up to her son and hugged him and said: "Sen you still had that nightmare. Do not worry son nobody will be able to take you away from us anymore. Your dad had already informed police and from now on there will be security personnel assigned to all of us where ever we go so stop thinking about that will you."

Hansen said: "Mom I know however this dream just keeps haunting me since then what can i do?"

Anna said: "Perhaps we should go on a vacation it will be a change then you will feel good."

Hansen said: "No I never want to go on a vacation again in all my life I can say this from my experience it is a very bad idea."

Anna said: "Oh come on son that was just an exception. Its not like every time some one is waiting for us to travel and then kidnap us do they."

Hansen said: "What ever it is I am not going to go at least for some time. Let me recover first."

Anna said: "Ok son as you say but now quickly freshen up and come down stairs and have breakfast with us since it may be your holiday after exams but you know we had to go to office and we want to discuss with your dad where exactly are you planning to enroll for college."

Once his mom went downstairs he contemplated over the nightmare which he had after all he knew that people can come back after death which was a reality after all he was one among them also he could see the beings which were already dead.

Then he looked at the system which he got and saw his stats.

[Multiverse Prime System ]

[The next Level up requires two Hundred points]

[Host Information]

[Name: Hansen]

[Age: 17]

[Level: 5]

[Race: Human]

[Physical Fitness: 20]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Mana: 20/20]

[Total Points: 200]

[Points Left to spend: 150]

[Total Net worth: One Hundred and Thirty Million Dollars]

[ Skill 1: Poison,]

[ Skill Description: Poison, Requirements: Since this is not the host's natural ability it requires 2 Mana to use every time for this skill. Lethality level: Level 2. Once this poison hits the target the target will be dead within five minutes. Status: Locked. Note: To unlock this skill user needs to upgrade his mana stats.]

[ Skill 2: Light of Healing]

[ Skill Description: Level 1 Healing, Requirements: As per the severity of the injury the mana is consumed]

[System Store Locked]

After fifteen minutes Hansen had freshen up and was sitting on the dining table with is Dad Steve and watching television while the home servants were preparing for the breakfast with his mom.

There was a item song which was being played on the TV which the father and son were enjoying at that point of time Anna came with their breakfast as the servants helped her serve the family of three with food and said: "These days all these heroines like to show only their skin for viewers to watch there songs no real talent anymore let me change the channel."

When she changed the channel there was another song which was being played in which the heroine was fully clothed and was singing and dancing as the mother said: "See this song seems to be a new one seems to be a new release. The heroine has talent it seems since she is only dancing on the song fully clothed."

The father and son were acknowledging her as they had also never seen this song before and the girl on the video seems to be new. However just as they were praising the heroine the rhythm of the music changed to a fast one and then the girl on the video took of her coat and revealed a very short dress with mini skirt and top as the father and son couldn't hold back their laughter.

Anna said: "Oh Girls these days I should never have expected any real talent. Just forget it."

Then they just switched off the television to prepare for the serious discussion ahead which they were going to have.

Steve said: "Son which university are you planning to select for your graduation after all this will decide your time in the next four years and future."

Anna also joined in and said: "Yes your father is right choose a university as per your aspirations and goal. You should think exactly what you want to become in future. Also try to concentrate on your studies when you will be in college and not on girls."

Steve said: "Oh come on Anna if our son doesn't mingle with the opposite gender then how will he marry in the future. He should have girl friends."

Hansen said: "Leave it dad I want to concentrate on my studies I do not have any plan to have any girl friends for the time being. But I do not wish to go out of town to study I want to live here with you guys and can enroll in one of the local universities."

Hansen was already heart broken when his girl friend left when as he was thrown out of his house when his parents left him so he did not plan on that at all and he was seriously considering to focus on his career for now. However the problem was after the incident when his parents were missing he never wanted to leave his home town or his parents to go and study out of town.

His dad Steve said: "Do not worry son I very well know you are actually not wanting to leave us because of the recent incident however this will not repeat itself after all we are heavily guarded now by the security organizations. So you can live your life to the full and choose any university which you like. I know you like the GCU (Grand Cultural University) which is in Rajgarh Metro City. It was your dream to enroll their so you can fulfill your dream now."

Hansen reluctantly agreed to his parents and then they selected a university for their son to go and study.