Chapter 14

"Hanna!" Matthew called out to Hanna from behind as she walked alongside Mia towards their class.

Engrossed in their deep conversation, Hanna didn't hear her name amidst the cacophony of noises and conversations echoing through the bustling passage.

Students hurriedly moved about, some walking briskly as if they had a personal connection with the Vice Chancellor, George Freeman.

Noticing that Hanna hadn't heard him, Matthew quickened his pace to catch up with her. He weaved through the crowd, determined to get her attention.

Just as he turned a corner leading to the lecture room, Davis appeared, coming from the opposite direction. Arya Maywell, like a newly wedded bride, clung tightly to his arm, exuding an air of confidence and happiness. Girls admired their relationship, while another group stared mockingly at Arya.

Hanna's eyes met Arya's from a distance. Arya's face contorted into a jealous scowl, as if she were a dog ready to bite a stranger or a thief. She couldn't fathom why Mia was laughing so joyfully with her. She wondered what they could be chatting about and what jokes could make Mia so cheerful. As best friends, Mia should know better than to engage with Hanna in such a carefree manner.

Davis, noticing Arya's anger, also felt uncomfortable with the attention drawn to their relationship.

"Hanna! Wait up!" Matthew finally caught up to her, slightly out of breath. Hanna turned around, a smile lighting up her face as she saw Matthew.

"Hey, Matthew! Sorry, I didn't hear you calling me. What's up?" Hanna greeted him warmly.

Matthew's cheeks turned slightly pink, his voice tinged with nervousness. "I just wanted to ask if you finished the assignment for Professor Roberts' class. I'm having a bit of trouble with it, and I thought maybe we could go over it together."

Hanna nodded sympathetically. "Of course, I finished it last night. Let's meet up during lunch break in the library, and I'll help you out."

Matthew's face brightened, relieved to have Hanna's assistance. "Thanks, Hanna. You're a lifesaver!"

Meanwhile, Mia couldn't help but notice the tension between Hanna and Arya. She observed the disdainful look Arya shot Hanna's way and the uncomfortable expression on Davis' face. Curiosity piqued, Mia wondered what might have caused the sudden animosity.

As they entered the lecture room, Mia decided to confront Hanna about the situation. She gestured for Hanna to sit next to her, away from the prying eyes of their classmates.

-Davis had a different class and he already went his way.

"Hanna, what's going on with Arya? I've never seen her act that way before," Mia inquired, her voice laced with concern.

Hanna sighed, her eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and sadness. "I'm not entirely sure, Mia. It seems like Arya is jealous or upset about something. Maybe she doesn't like seeing us laugh and have fun together."

Mia's brows furrowed in confusion. "But we've always been close friends. Why would she suddenly be bothered by that?"

Hanna shrugged, her voice tinged with disappointment. "People change, Mia. Maybe Arya feels threatened by our friendship or thinks I'm taking up too much of your time. It's hard to say for sure."

Mia sighed, realizing the complexity of human relationships. "I just hope we can resolve this. I hate seeing you upset, Hanna."

Hanna smiled appreciatively at Mia's words. "Thank you, Mia. Your support means the world to me. Let's try to talk to Arya and see if we can understand what's bothering her."

Throughout the times, Hanna and Mia attempted to approach Arya, but she evaded their conversations and made herself scarce.

It became clear that resolving the tension would require patience and understanding, personally deep down Hanna was well aware it requires more than that- the feud going on with her and Arya, but what she couldn't fathom was Mia's neutral ground in it.

She considered Mia a very good roommate and let her know she should stop forcing to resolve Arya's issues with her.

"The problem is mine."

Mia looked at her with the 'I'm so sorry' expression, Hanna smiled like it's nothing serious to worry. "She's your friend,you don't have to be…"

Only both of them were left to leave the lecture room after their little emotional sensation. A loud alarm from Hanna's phone cleared the air.

Hanna sighed "Omg Mia I have a different class to catch now. This man is a real headache and I can't afford to be late,"

"Alright see ya."

Hanna was walking and likely hopping at the same time. Her eyes were scanning every path and hoped she would see a fellow coursemate,a defaulting partner. Alone, she would not like to face any disbandment or see me in my office as she was already a minute late.

She worried before Jenny joined her. "Jeez slow down, where to?"

Hanna snubbed her though she was relieved that she finally has a companion, together in one boat...

Jenny didn't stop talking as they took to the steps… "Trust me, we are not late so slow down a bit. I can't keep up, I might sweat."

Hanna turned around to her, scoffed surprisingly. "Jenny? You..are never serious. You won't put me in trouble, not today," she said, losing some breath.

Hanna picked up her pace again and eventually, she opened the door gently, scared to make a noise that would attract attention. She moved precariously with her head facing downward as she took a seat however in her mind she thought she did it like the 'naked assassins' lol.

While seated for like five seconds, exhausted after the run. There was no mention of catch- she succeeded and was able to confidently lift her head to witness eyes on her- she wished she had the ability to disappear in an instant.

Everyone looked at her amusingly, then Jenny appeared beside her, she cackled, "I told you. I've just lost about 100 calories for nothing."

Hanna felt dumber, she wanted the class to begin and end already.

TWENTY MINUTES had passed, Mathew had reached the library where he was supposed to meet Hanna for Mr Roberto's assignment.

Unbeknownst to Matthew, Mandi, who had a deep crush on him, had been discreetly following him. She was determined to spend time with him and seize any opportunity to get closer to him.

Meanwhile, Hanna's class was drawing to a close, and she had only a few minutes left before she could join Matthew at the library. As the professor wrapped up the lecture, Hanna eagerly packed her belongings, her mind filled with thoughts of helping Matthew with the assignment.

Outside the classroom, Hanna briskly made her way through the crowded hallways, navigating the sea of students rushing to their next classes. She couldn't wait to meet Matthew and assist him with the assignment before the deadline, unaware of Mandi's presence and her intentions.

Matthew entered the library, scanning the room for Hanna's familiar face. He spotted a vacant table tucked away in a quiet corner and settled down, hoping she would arrive soon. Oblivious to Mandi's sneaky pursuit, Matthew took out his notebook and began reviewing his notes, preparing to discuss the assignment with Hanna.

Meanwhile, Mandi discreetly entered the library, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had admired Matthew from afar for a long time and couldn't resist the opportunity to be near him.

Quietly, she took a seat nearby, trying not to draw attention to herself.