Chapter 34

Matthew and Jenny arrived at the police station, their faces etched with worry. They glanced around… the officer in charge of books, a slightly chubby woman with short black hair, sat with her eyes focused on her computer.

Jenny and Matt approached the front desk, greeting the officer cheerfully. "Afternoon Caroline! Lovely weather we're having."

Caroline chuckled. "If you say so,dear. What can I do for you folks?"

Jenny responded with a small joke,"We're here to solve a little mystery," she said with a grin, earning a compliment from the officer about her positive attitude.

With their pleasant exchange setting a positive tone, Matthew and Jenny proceeded to make their request.

They inquired about Hanna, who they believed had been locked up for several days due to a mistake. However, confusion swept over them when the officer checked the registrar and found no record of a Hanna Hamilton.