Miss Stockholm

"Mi fa arrabbiare." Suddenly, a sharp sound, resembling the crashing waves against a dock, jolted me out of my daydreams and back to reality.

The noise, however, was not a product of my imagination; it was the unmistakable sound of an open-handed blow. My eyes widened, and my mouth fell slightly open in a mixture of shock, fear, and pain.

In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for the poor cook, who was on the receiving end of that brutal slap. The force behind it was undeniable, leaving a lasting impact on both her and the room.

With a harsh tone, he uttered the words, "Togliti dalla mia vista, stupido," effectively banishing the cook from his sight. Though I was not fully familiar with the language, I recognized it as Italian. During my leisure time I practice and learn it.

As I stood there, shaken by the sudden outburst and the intense atmosphere that now enveloped the room, I couldn't help but reflect on my own capabilities.