Episode 1

A year had passed since Bella survived the deadly bite and discovered her enhanced speed, strength, agility, and accelerated healing abilities. Her eyes had a reddish tint, making them look light purple, and Dale thought they were gorgeous.

Life on the farm was good, and everyone pitched in to help. Andy, Teresa, Liam, Abraham, and Megan helped Sarah grow spices and vegetables in the garden, and Mike and Waylon tended to the pigs and chickens. Sarah and Mike made dinner every night for the group, and everyone helped clean up afterward. Every once in a while, Waylon and Andy would start a campfire, and Bella would grab the guitar and play songs for the group.

Bella made a habit of going out to High Point a few times a week, and most of the time, Dale, Charlie, and Bonnie would go with her. She liked using the playground and the pool for exercise and a place to relax and clear her mind.


"Bella!" yelled Charlie, and Bella looked at her little brother.

It was a hot morning, and Dale, Bella, Charlie, and Bonnie decided to come to the spring and cool off before Dale and Bella went out on a supply run. She watched her brother flip off the side of the pool and land in the water while she was sunbathing on a rock and clapped her hands.

"You're getting good at that, kid," said Dale, stepping on Bella's rock, and she wrinkled her nose, looking at him.

"What are you doing?" she asked, and Dale, Charlie, and Bonnie snickered.

"Hey, Charlie. I think your sister could use a cool-off."

Bella gave Dale a warning look, and he grinned, bending over and touching her face. He rubbed her cheek with his thumb and quickly kissed her.

"Sorry, little bird," he said, straightening.

She watched him back to the edge of the rock and did a back flip into the water. A large wave of cool water soaked Bella, and she groaned as he surfaced, laughing. Charlie and Bonnie laughed, swimming over to Dale, and he high-fived them.

"You got her!" Charlie exclaimed, and Bella jumped into the pool.

She jumped on Dale's shoulders and dunked him under. Charlie and Bonnie laughed, and Bella gave them a clever look.

"No," screamed Charlie, and he and Bonnie swam to the edge.

Swiftly, Dale lifted Bella by her armpits and catapulted her into the air. She landed in the water and resurfaced, laughing and splashing him and the kids.

"Bell, Dale? Do you copy?" asked Abraham over the radio, and Charlie pulled himself out of the pool.

"Yeah, Dad?" he asked.

Dale pulled Bella toward him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hi," he said, searching her eyes.


He kissed her passionately, and Bella kissed him back. She smiled at him after the kiss ended, and Dale blew a breath.

"Been waiting to do that all morning," he said, and she snorted.

"What are we five? My parents know we're together, and they don't care," she said, resting her forehead against his.

"I know, but.."

Bella pulled back, and he searched her eyes.

"No, buts. You can kiss me anytime you want," she said and kissed him.

Dale grinned shyly and nodded.

"Okay, little bird. I think I may try it."

"I think you should," said Charlie, approaching, and they looked at him.

"What did Dad want?"

"He wants us to head back. Said he's ready to go on the supply run," he said, helping Bonnie out of the spring.

Bella looked at Dale, and he kissed her quickly.

"Come on," he said, and they swam to the edge, got out, and dried off.

"Someone is watching you."

A whisper hit Bella's ears, and she looked around. She didn't see anyone but heard the whisper again.

"Not Safe. Must go, now!"

She looked around and noticed the bushes moving.

"Did you guys hear that?" Bella asked, and Dale, Bonnie, and Charlie shook their heads.

"Why? What'd ya hear?" asked Dale, noticing a nervous look on his girlfriend's face.

"A whisper. It said we are being watched and to leave," she said, and Charlie and Bonnie looked at her with wide eyes.

"Well, let's not stick around and find out who it is," said Dale, getting on his motorcycle, and Charlie got on in front of him.

Bella put on her shorts and shirt, and she and Bonnie got on her bike. They rode to the entrance and saw a tan box truck blocking the exit. Two men with guns walked out in front of the vehicle, and Dale and Bella glanced at each other as they slowed to a stop.

"Now, what do we have here, boys?" asked a tall, muscular man with blonde hair and dark sunglasses.

Bella thought it was strange the man was dressed in a long-sleeved black pantsuit in the summer heat and saw he was carrying a long, sharp sword with him.

"Looks like a bunch of kids, boss," said one of the armed men.

"Well, no shit, Chris," said the man, smiling at Dale, Bella, Charlie, and Bonnie.

"Little bird, where are you?" asked Abraham over the radio, and Dale grabbed it.

"Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," said the man, pointing his sword at Dale, and Bella scoffed.

Charlie looked at the man, and his eyebrows shot down in anger.

"That's my Dad, and if you don't let us answer him, he's gonna send an army looking for us," he snapped.

"Bella in trouble. Must help Bella."

Bella heard the whisper again and shook her head. She kicked down the kickstand and got off the bike, looking around. The strange men looked at her oddly, and the man in black approached her.

"Tell me something. What are you looking at that's more important than what's going on in front of you?" he asked, and she glared at him.

The man raised his eyebrows, looking at the color of her eyes, and blew a breath.

"None of your business. What do you want?" she asked, annoyed, and the man reared his head back laughing.

"Do you hear that, boys? The firebird gets straight down to business," he said, and the men laughed.

"Well, what I want is to talk to whosoever in charge of your group and ask why you people keep coming into my area, stealing my supplies and food. I don't like people I don't know reaching into my cupboards."

Bella looked at Dale and then suspiciously at the man.

"What's your name? I'll give my Dad a message, and maybe we can pencil you into our busy schedules," she snapped.

The man laughed, looking at the two armed men, and turned back to Bella, punching her in the face. She fell to the ground, grabbed her nose, and sighed as she felt it was broken. She pushed her nose back into place and blew a shaky breath. Dale was about to get off his bike, but the two men pointed their guns at him, and he stayed put.

"Bella!" Charlie and Bonnie cried, and Dale scoffed.

The man in black knelt beside Bella and lifted her chin with his fingers.

"My name is Wess, and the message is to tell your people to stay out of my cupboard, or broken noses will be the least of your worries."

Bella yanked her head away, and Wess stood.

"Saddle up, boys."

Dale watched the men leave, and once they were gone, he, Charlie, and Bonnie ran to Bella.

"Are you okay?" asked Charlie, and Bella nodded as Dale pulled her to her feet.

Dale touched her bruised face and sighed angrily.

"It's just a busted nose. It will heal in an hour or so," she said, and he scoffed.

"You need to watch your mouth, little bird. You might be able to heal, but you're not invincible," he scolded, and Bella poked her bottom lip out.

"I'm sorry," she said.

Dale gave her a thoughtful look, and Charlie and Bonnie giggled.

"Don't give me that look. It's not gonna work this time," he said.

Bella raised her eyebrows and made her lip quiver, and Dale scoffed, smirking.

"Oh, come on, Bell. Stop it," he said.

She giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Works every time," she snickered, and Dale shook his head.

"Come on, Let's get out of here before your Dad decides to really send an army."

She nodded, getting on her bike with Bonnie, and they headed back to camp.