Episode 6

Dale, Andy, and Abraham grabbed a rifle from the truck and followed her to the gate. A brown truck and a red SUV pulled up and stopped. Bella sneered, seeing Wess step out of the red vehicle with his sword, and she pointed the rifle at his head. He looked at her thoughtfully, put the sword in the seat, and raised his hands.

"Why don't we cool our jets and have a nice chat?" he asked, and Bella stood her ground, not lowering the weapon.

One of the Bandits aimed his gun at Bella, and Abraham, Dale, and Andy pointed their weapons at him.

"Why don't you put the gun down, honey? The man just wants to talk," said the Bandit, and Bella sneered at the man.

Wess held up his hand, and the man lowered the gun.

"Thank you, Morton. The Firebird has every right to be angry. I punched her in the face for smarting off at me, but come on, kid. You only owe me a punch in the face back. Don't shoot me over it," Wess said.

Bella hesitated and lowered the rifle. She looked at her father and pushed the gun toward him.

"Hold this for a second."

Abraham took the rifle and looked at his daughter oddly.

"Bell, I.."

She shook her head, keeping her attention on Wess, and smirked.

"You're absolutely right, Wess. I do owe you something," she sneered, storming toward the fence.

"Bella!" yelled Dale.

She ignored him, jumped over the gate, and punched Wess in the jaw, landing on her feet. He fell backward, landing on the ground, and held his jaw, laughing.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about. Abraham, what do you feed this kid?"

Abraham shook his head, and Bella snorted. Morton helped Wess to his feet, and he looked at Abraham, holding his nose.

"She's a lot tougher than she looks. I think she broke my nose," he said, and Bella glared at him.

He wiped his face with a rag and gave Bella an impressed look.

"Be thankful that's all I broke," she snapped, hopping back over the gate.

Abraham handed her rifle back, and Bella aimed it at Wess.

"Now, what the hell do you want?" she growled.

The man wiped his bloody nose and looked at her thoughtfully.

"I was wondering if you have seen two of my men. They were out gathering supplies, and when they didn't return, we went out looking for them and found their vehicle blown to smithereens," he said, and Dale scoffed.

"We've stayed out of the east, just like you asked, so how could we have seen them?" he asked, and Wess blew a breath.

"Well, that's the thing, Dale. They weren't in the east."

"Well, then that's your people's fault, not ours," said Abraham.

Wess looked at Bella's father and laughed.

"You see, folks, I forgot I was hiding something in the south, and if you people took it. I want it back. It's that simple," he said.

"We didn't take nothing," said Dale, aiming at Wess, and his eyes widened, seeing his big brother step out of the SUV.

Terry grinned at his brother, and Dale couldn't believe his eyes.

"You're alive!" he exclaimed, and Terry nodded.

"Of course I am. Now, you wouldn't be lying here to Mr. Wess, now would ya?" he asked, and Dale shook his head.

"No, we didn't take nothing or see that man's goons."

Wess and Terry looked at each other, and Terry shrugged.

"They're clean. He's not lying to ya," he said, and Dale looked at his brother oddly.

"You're working for him now? Is that it?" he asked, and Terry raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, little brother, you've got a lot to learn. Man's gotta eat and have a warm bed to sleep in."

Dale scoffed and shook his head.

"You're no better than the scumbag standing next to you," he sneered and walked away.

Terry shrugged and looked around.

"So, where's Blondie and Liam?" he asked, and Bella rolled her eyes.

"Didn't your new best friend tell you? He kidnapped them and killed them right where you stand," she sneered, and he reared his head back, looking at Wess.

"You killed Teresa and Liam? Why?" he asked, and Wess clenched his teeth.

"Yeah, we had a miscommunication error, but I fixed it," he breathed, and Terry looked at Bella thoughtfully.

"I guess that's just how the world works now, darlin," he said, adjusting his pants, and Bella tilted her head.

How could he write off his friends like they were nothing to him? She saw the way he looked at Teresa and the way he flirted with her. What did Wess do to him?

"We don't have what you're looking for, so why the hell are you still on my property?" yelled Sarah, pointing a handgun at the Bandits, and Wess looked at her.

"Just clearing the air. Jeezus, you people are so uptight," he said, and the Bandits laughed.

"I suggest if you don't want another punch in the face, you high tail it out of here," Sarah added, and Bella agreed.

Wess smirked at Bella as he and Terry got in the SUV and left. Abraham, Bella, Andy, and Sarah kept their guns aimed at the vehicles until they were out of site.



Bella searched the house and farm and couldn't find Dale anywhere.

"Mom? Have you seen Dale?" she asked her Mother, and Megan shook her head.

"Not since you guys got back."

Bella nodded and walked outside.

"Damn it, Dale. Where are you?" she sighed and sat on the porch steps.


"So, you sure they don't have him?" asked Wess, and Terry blew a breath.

"Wess, I've been raising Dale since he was six years old after our parents died. I can tell right away if that boy's lying."

Suddenly, Morton slammed on the brakes, and the car came to a halt. Wess looked around and at Morton.

"Why'd we stop?" he asked, and Morton pointed.

With his hands up, Dale walked out in front of the vehicle and looked directly at Wess.

"I wanna talk to my brother!" he yelled, and Terry grinned, rolling down the window.

"Get in," he said.

Dale looked around, ensuring no one followed him, sighed, and got in the SUV.


Abraham and Megan were in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when Bella ran into the room and gave her parents a frantic look.

"Dale's gone!" she cried, and Abraham gave his daughter a thoughtful look.

"You sure? His bike's parked next to yours," he said, pointing out the window.

"I know it is, and none of his stuff is gone. Just him. I've checked everywhere. They took him. I know they did," she sobbed, and Megan looked at Bella with care.

"Maybe he went for a walk to clear his head. He just saw his brother for the first time in months and found out he's working with the assholes."

Bella looked at her, and her lip quivered.

"That's not what he does when he's upset!"

Abraham walked to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon, Bell. In the meantime, why don't you help set the table," he said, and she yanked away from him.

"I'm not hungry," she snapped and ran outside.

"Bella," her father yelled, but she ignored him.

Abraham sighed and looked at Megan. She pressed her lips together, sighed, and shook her head.

"Everything alright? You guys want some help?" asked Jordan, hobbling into the room on crutches, and Megan and Abraham looked at him.

"Sure," she said with a smile.

Suddenly, they heard Bella's motorcycle start, and her father made a face and ran out the door.

"Isabel Christine Daniels! Get back here now!" he yelled, but she ignored him and sped off.

"Damn it!" he cursed, walking back into the house.

Megan and Jordan looked at him, and he shook his head.

"She ignored me and took off," Abraham sighed, and Megan snickered.

"She'll be alright, Mr. Daniels. I'm sure she will find Dale and come back when she realizes she overreacted," said Jordan, and Abraham looked at him oddly.

"How do you know that?"

Jordan chuckled, setting the table, and nodded.

"When my wife would get mad at me, she'd take off and come back when she realized she messed up," he explained.

Megan looked at the man in question.

"How old are you?" she asked, and Jordan chuckled, licking his lips.


"Wow, really? I thought you were Bell's age. She just turned nineteen," said Megan, and Jordan snickered.

"Nah, but thanks. I've always looked younger than my age," he boasted, and Abraham rolled his eyes.

He wasn't sure if he liked the kid or not, especially his arrogant attitude.