Episode 6

Bella loaded empty duffle bags in the back of her father's truck and lit a cigarette.

"You know, you and Jordan should quit them things," said Sarah, throwing another empty bag in the truck bed.

"Eh. It's the end of the world. I'm sure the supply will end soon, and we will be forced to quit," she said, and Sarah chuckled, shaking her head.

"So, not trying to get in your business, but maybe you should stock up on condoms. You know, just in case you and Jordan get a chance to be alone."

Bella laughed, pulling the strap on her boot, and gave her a thoughtful look.

"So not happening right now, but thanks for the concern. It's more of having no privacy. Besides, I'm not ready for all that yet. So many feelings get involved, and you end up with a big mess if things don't work out," she said, and Sarah looked at her with care.

"Your Daddy raised a smart girl."

Bella nodded and wrinkled her nose.

"Me and Dale never got a chance to," she whispered, leaning against the truck and looking down.

"Oh, Bell. I'm so sorry."

"We came close a couple of times, but someone always interrupted the good stuff. I really wanted him to be my first," she sniffed, wiping her tears away.

"You're a virgin?" Sarah whispered, and Bella snickered.

"Is it that hard to believe?"

"No, I guess not. Have fun out there today and when you're ready. Think about what I said?" she asked, and Bella nodded.

"I will," she whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sarah smiled sadly, touched her shoulder, and walked toward the warehouse. Jordan and Abraham approached, and Abraham looked at his daughter's sad face.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, fine," she breathed, wiping her face, and Jordan looked at her concerned.

"You sure?" he asked, rubbing her shoulder, and she nodded as Andy and Mike approached.

"Okay. Me, Andy, and Mike are taking Liam's truck, and you and Jordan can take mine. Just don't bust the windows and mirrors out of this one," Abraham teased, and Bella snorted.

"Totally not my fault, Daddy."

Abraham chuckled and rubbed her back.

"We'll head north and see what we can find," said Andy, pointing at the map, and everyone nodded.

"Alright, let's hit the road," said Bella, slapping the side of the truck, and everyone got in their vehicles.

Charlie opened the gate, and the two trucks headed down the road.


Jordan looked at Bella thoughtfully and slid closer. Bella kept her eyes on the road, biting her knuckle, and lost in her thoughts.


"Come on, little bird. Everyone's asleep. Let's go to High Point. Just me and you," whispered Dale, running his hand through her hair, and Bella searched his eyes.

"Okay, let's do it," she said, grinning.

Dale and Bella swam in the spring and lay together on their towels. Dale ran his hand up her thigh, over her hip, and up her side.

"You're so beautiful," he said, and she giggled.

Bella pulled his face to hers and kissed him deeply. Dale kissed her back and untied the top of her bathing suit. The yellow fabric fell away, and she blushed as he looked her over. He kissed her, holding her close, and sighed, feeling her soft skin against his. He kissed and nibbled her neck, and Bella sighed, grabbing a handful of his hair.


Tears rolled down Bella's cheeks, and Jordan rubbed the back of her neck.

"So, what happened between you and Sarah?" he asked, and Bella wiped her face, feeling the calm wash over her.

She blew a shaky breath and snickered.

"We were talking about condoms," she said, and he gave her an odd look.

"Condoms? You're upset about condoms?" he chuckled, and she made a face.

"No, Jordan Baker. I was not crying over condoms," Bella scoffed, feeling Jordan's fingers tickle the back of her neck.

"Then, why so sad, baby girl?" he asked softly, and she bit her lip.

"Sarah wanted me to get condoms in case you and I decided to take our relationship further, and we were talking about how Dale and I never got the chance to."

Jordan looked at Bella and raised an eyebrow.

"Dale and I never had sex," she said, seeing the look on his face, and his eyes widened.


She nodded and chuckled nervously.

"Yes, really, and never before I got with him," she added.

He thought about what she said, and his eyebrows rose when he realized she was a virgin.

"Not once in your life? At all?" he asked in disbelief, and she snorted, glancing at him.

"Is it really that hard to believe that I'm a virgin?" she asked, and Jordan swallowed hard, shaking his head.

She laughed, and he leaned back, looking her over.

"What?" she snorted.

"I think I'm in love."

Bella shook her head and pushed him gently.

"Shut up, Jordan Baker," she laughed, and Jordan smirked.


The group found an abandoned strip mall and decided to check it out. Five different stores were connected, and Abraham, Mike, Andy, Bella, and Jordan agreed to take a store, but if there was any sign of trouble, they were to either chirp or click the radio.

Bella turned on her flashlight and searched through the small department store. She didn't see any mutants and holstered her gun. She hummed to the tune in her head and stuffed one of the duffle bags with clothing. Bouncing to the beat, Bella found a headband with white tiger ears. She put it on and looked through the jewelry cases.

She saw a few things she liked and found a necklace with a serpent charm.

"I wonder if Charlie would like that," she asked herself.

Bella was about to open the glass case when she heard a gun's chamber clicking into place. Immediately, she froze and put her hands in the air.

"Stop right there!" yelled a young man's voice, and Bella swallowed hard.

"I'm so sorry if this is your spot. My group and I are just looking for supplies," she said nervously.

She knew the bullets wouldn't affect her, but she didn't want strangers to know her secret.

"Listen, I don't trust nobody! My wife and I made it this far, and ain't no one gonna stop us from finding the rest of our family, dog," the man yelled, and Bella blew a breath.

"Totally understandable, and I can relate. I lost my family when this shitstorm started, and I found them. You will, too. I know you're scared right now, seeing a stranger. I'm scared, too, but I will not hurt or stop you from doing what you need to do. In fact, maybe I can help you find them."

The man hesitated and was about to lower his weapon when he saw his brother's tan leather bracelet around the girl's wrist.

"Say, man, where'd you get that bracelet?" he yelled, aiming his gun.

"You're one of them. You're part of that group that killed our family!" he added.

Bella heard his voice crack and realized he was talking about the Bandits.

"Damn it!" she breathed, shaking her head.

"So, where'd ya get it, huh?" the man asked again.

"Which one?" she asked, smelling the man's fear.

"The braided leather one with the letter J stamped on it."

She glanced at her wrist and realized he was talking about Jordan's bracelet. He put it on her wrist when he left on a run, and she never took it off.

"Where'd you get it from?" he asked, annoyed, and Bella sighed.

"My boyfriend. It's his!"

"Baby girl, medical store is cleared. I'm headed your way," said Jordan over the radio, and she blew a breath, knowing he would be there soon.

The man crept toward Bella and snatched the handheld off her hip.

"Nah, dog. Your baby girl's a little busy right now!" he snapped.

"I ain't your dog, bro, and trust me. Baby girl right there will eat you alive if you piss her off," snarled Jordan.

"Listen, bro. I gotta gun pointed at her head, and I ain't afraid to pull the trigger!"

Bella swallowed hard and froze. A bullet to the head might kill her, and she didn't want to die.

"Please, don't shoot me," she whispered.

"You ain't gonna do shit, Jimmy. Lower your weapon and step away from my girl," said Jordan, and Bella's eyes widened.

Was the man Jordan's brother?

"How do you know my name, dog?" asked the man.

"Cuz I can see my little brother, scared as shit, holding a gun to my beautiful girlfriend's head. So, put it down before we go toe to toe like we did back in the day."

Jimmy looked around, and his eyes widened, seeing his older brother standing in the doorway.

"Jordan," he breathed, sobbed, and ran to his brother.

They wrapped their arms around each other and cried.

"Thought I'd never see you again, bro," sobbed Jimmy.

"I thought you were dead, man," cried Jordan.

Bella saw a light-skinned woman with dark poofy hair and green eyes walk out from behind the counter and put her hand to her mouth as she sobbed.

"Jordan! You're alive!" she cried, running toward him and jumping in his arms.

"Oh, Mya," cried Jordan, hugging her, and Bella hung her head.