Episode 11

Bella headed out on her bike, and Jordan, Jimmy, and Mya followed in the truck.

"Baby girl, where we headed?" Jordan asked over the radio.

"Just follow me," she said.

Jimmy looked at his brother, and Jordan shrugged.

"You guys have a fight?" asked Mya, and Jordan shook his head.

"Nope," he said.

Bella pulled up to an abandoned gas station, and Jordan parked beside her.

"What are we doing here?" asked Mya as she jumped out of the truck, and Bella got off her cycle.

"There's a shop in the back. I'm sure there's stuff here we can use. The gas station is old, so if there is still gas left, the pumps will automatically turn on," she said as Jordan rubbed the back of her neck.

"Aight, baby girl. What's the plan?" asked Jimmy, and Jordan chuckled, shaking his head.

Bella wrinkled her nose, looked at the dusty old building, and gave Jimmy a clever look.

"Send you in as bait. See if there are any freaks in there."

Mya laughed, and Jimmy shook his head.

"Nah, girl. You see that you and my bro's department. I ain't going in first," he said, and Bella laughed, grabbing her water bottle.

Jordan chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Aight. Me and Bell will go check things out, and you two can fill the gas tanks," said Jordan, and Mya and Jimmy nodded.

"Remember, if you find trouble. Whistle or tap the radio three times," said Bella, and they nodded again.

Bella and Jordan ran to the building with their guns drawn and went inside. Jimmy and Mya pulled the gas cans out of the truck and carried them to the pumps. The sun beat down on them, making them sweaty and uncomfortable, and the slight breeze in the air kicked up dust, making the place feel creepy.

Mya shivered, lifted the lever, and the gas began to flow.

"Bella was right about the pumps. Maybe we should top off the truck and bike?" she suggested, and Jimmy agreed.

Mya filled Bella's motorcycle, and Jimmy filled the truck. They filled the rest of the gas cans and secured them in the back of the vehicle. Suddenly, they heard snarling and growling and saw a large horde of decaying mutants staggering toward the gas station.

Mya and Jimmy scrambled off the truck bed, ran toward the building, and Jimmy whistled. They looked around, and Mya pointed to the fire escape. They ran to the ladder and climbed to the roof.


Jordan and Bella were searching inside when they heard Jimmy whistle and ran outside. Their eyes widened when they saw hundreds of mutants staggering toward the gas station, and they heard Jimmy whistle again. They looked up and saw Mya and Jimmy on the roof.

Bella looked at the crazed mutants and gasped.

"Jordan, those aren't whisperers," she whispered, and Jordan swallowed hard.

"What do we do, babe?" he asked, and she looked around.

Bella had an idea, and she grabbed Jordan's arm.

"Get the truck and go behind the building. I'll get the Berserker's attention with the bike, and Mya and Jimmy can jump to you," she said, and they ran to the vehicles.

Bella jumped on the motorcycle and grabbed her handheld.

"Jordan's pulling to the back of the building. When he stops, jump in the back of the truck," she said and started the engine.

The creatures growled, turning toward Bella, and Jordan sped off. He pulled around the building and saw another horde heading toward them. He stepped on the gas, and Jimmy got ready to jump.


"On three, we jump," said Jimmy.

Mya swallowed hard, knowing she wouldn't jump, but only nodded.

"We got this, babe. Here he comes. One, two, three!"

Jordan slammed on the brakes, and Jimmy landed on the roof hard. The horde surrounded the truck, and Jordan slammed on the gas, throwing Jimmy in the truck bed. Jimmy's eyes widened as he saw Mya staring at them from the roof.

"Hey, man! We gotta go back!" he yelled, banging on the window, and Jordan grabbed the radio.

"Bell, the Berserkers are everywhere, and Mya didn't jump."

Jimmy crawled through the back window and landed in the back seat.

"We gotta go back, bro," he breathed, wincing and holding his arm.


Bella sighed, looked around, and saw a thick plank of steel leaning against an overturned tractor-trailer. It was the perfect ramp. She mapped out her route, blew a breath, and grabbed the radio.

"I've got her. Mya, when I tell you to jump, you better move your ass. We've only got one shot at this," she said.

"Okay. I'll jump," cried Mya.

Jimmy crawled into the front seat and looked at his brother.

"What she gonna do?"

Jordan gave him a thoughtful look and smirked.

"Something crazy, stupid, reckless, and possibly could kill both our girls."

Jimmy swallowed hard, and the brothers watched through the windshield.


Jordan revved the engine, distracting the mutants, and Bella took off toward the makeshift ramp, switching gears and gaining speed. The Berserkers turned away from the truck and staggered her way. Bella pushed the bike faster and grabbed the radio.

"As soon as my back tire leaves the ramp. Jump," she instructed, dropping the handheld as she hit the ramp.

"Damn it," she cursed under her breath, not turning back.

Mya got ready, and as soon as the bike tire came off the ramp, she made a run for it and leaped off the building. She landed on the back of the bike and hugged Bella tightly. The tires hit the ground, and Bella didn't stop. She sped toward the road and took off.

Jordan and Jimmy stared as the bike hit the ground, and Bella sped off with Mya.

"Aight, let's go home," said Jordan, stepping on the gas and speeding toward Bella.


"You did what?" asked Abraham, and Bella laughed.

The group was having dinner, and Jordan, Jimmy, and Mya explained what had happened at the gas station. Bella took a sip of her drink, and her father looked at her in question.

"Where do you come up with your crazy ideas?" he asked, and she snorted.

"From watching movies, playing video games, and reading comics. Where have you been my whole life?" she asked, and he chuckled.

"Well, while you were out playing speed racer, me and Dad cleaned out the storm cellar and put the guns and stuff down there," said Charlie.

"Good. It's about time you start pulling your own weight," Bella teased, and everyone laughed.

Charlie made a face, and Bella messed his hair.

"Mike, Edmond, and Bianca helped me sort the stuff in the store. We just have to load the mound of trash and take it elsewhere," said Sarah.

"I guess after we eat, we can load the truck up. There's still enough daylight to find a spot," said Bella, getting up and taking her dishes to the sink.

She cracked her neck, rinsed her plate, and looked at her family. Jordan, Jimmy, Mya, Edmond, Bianca, Sarah, Mike, Andy, Bonnie, Charlie, and her father talking and laughing, and Bella smiled. She imagined Dale, Liam, Megan, and Teresa sitting at the table, talking and laughing, and she held back a tear.

She missed the ones she lost but was happy with the family she gained. Dale, Liam, Megan, and Teresa disappeared, and Bella let a tear roll down her cheek. She set her dishes on the counter and saw Bonnie walking toward her.

"Hey, Bonnie," she breathed, taking her plate, and the teenage girl looked at her with care.

"I found this and thought you'd like it back," said Bonnie, holding up her mother's moon necklace, and Bella smiled.

Her smile faded when she saw the crystal still had Dale's blood on it, and her lip quivered as she fought back threatening tears.

"Thank you," she said as her voice cracked, taking the necklace and pulling Bonnie in a hug.

"I miss him, too," she sniffed, and Bella huffed a sob.

"We all do, kid," she whispered.

"Everything aight?" asked Jimmy, walking into the room, and Bella nodded.

She let go of Bonnie, and Bonnie smiled, walking into the other room. Bella sighed and wiped her face.

"Yeah, everything's alright," she said.

"Let me take those for you," she added, reaching for his dishes.

Jimmy noticed the necklace in her hand, took the dishes to the sink, and rinsed them off.

"I get it. I've lost people, too," he said, and Bella blew a breath.

"Before I met your brother, I had a boyfriend, Dale. He was going to marry me. He was wearing my necklace the night he died," she explained, rubbing the pendant with her thumb, and a tear slid down her cheek.

Jimmy dried his hands and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, and she nodded.

"You know he smiling down on you. He sees you," he added, and Bella sniffed, nodding.

"By the way. Thanks for saving my wife," he said as the embrace ended.

"You're welcome," she said and wiped her face.