The villagers murmured amongst themselves; the girl they were accusing looked really confident and spoke eloquently like a woman of class.

"If you're not a seductress, then why are you wearing a light gown, leaving your hair to cover your face?" A rational woman from the crowd asked.

Oriana inhaled, "Great question. I just woke up and I see an angry mob pointing at me, ready to beat me up. It's only human nature for me to run. Also, about my dress. I don't know anyone who sleeps in the night with their jackets and complete layers of gown," she explained, moving her hair behind her, but she couldn't tie it as there was no band. So her golden full hair flowed gently with the morning breeze.

With Oriana's explanation, the villagers became confused, and there was division amongst them. The princess could hear them argue,

"Whose husband did she actually sleep with?"

"Are we accusing an innocent woman?"

"Who brought the report to the village head?"