Inside one of the rooms in the palace, Curtis fixed his shirt while brushing his hair back. Gwen was still on the bed, her body covered with the sheets. She stretched her hand forward, grabbing a pack of cigarettes. Taking one stick, she lit it and puffed smoke.

"Are you really going to let Oriana be the future Queen of Avon?" Gwen asked, placing the cigarette on her lips with her eyes on Curtis.

Curtis shrugged his shoulders. "We already made the mistake; we can't admit that we lied. Remember when Oriana lied, she had to face extreme punishment. We just have to play along for now."

Gwen nodded. "It's okay. I'll see what I can do to make sure she doesn't get married to Adric," she muttered. Not because she was trying to help her bedwarmer, but because she needed a puppet she could control, and Oriana wasn't that.