This event would leave a scar on her heart for a long time, and he didn't need to add onto it by chasing her down and giving her back her money and ID himself.
Naruto's stomach growled, and he rubbed it as he walked.
Another stomach growled, and Naruto looked to the side and he saw an elderly man was sitting down on the ground with a sign. Most, no, nearly all of the people walking on the street passed the guy without even a second thought. The man was sleeping, but he had a tin can with a little bit of money in it. The man was shivering, and his stomach was making pitiful noises as well.
Naruto took his jacket off, and he placed it over the man as he slept, a small smile on his face as he did so.
Next, Naruto took out his wallet, and he frowned.
He didn't have enough to feed this man, feed himself later, and pay for the train ride. Naruto looked at the man as he slowly stopped shivering, before he nodded to himself. Taking out nearly all the money in his wallet, Naruto placed all of it into the can, leaving only enough for himself to ride the train. Naruto even took out a ripped part of the bandages on his arm off, and wrote down the location of a homeless shelter the next town over where he lived. He didn't know this town well enough to know where it was there, but he had given the guy enough to eat a small meal, and get a train to the next town.
Just like how the people passing by ignored the elderly man, they ignored Naruto helping the man as well.
Naruto stood up, and he gave a light shiver as a chill blew across his chest, now that he wasn't wearing his jacket, and only an A-shirt (a shirt with no sleeves and an open collar). Naruto continued walking on his way.
-After the Train Ride Later-
Naruto got a lot of stares on the train, which was why he was thankful the train ride was over, and he continued on his journey home.
Naruto got three steps away, before he heard a sniffle, and he looked to see a child looking at a map of the area with teary eyes. Naruto looked around, to see if anyone was going to help the kid, before he sighed to himself and went to help the young boy.
"Hey kiddo, is there something Onii-chan can help you with?" Naruto asked in a friendly tone as he approached the boy, who looked up at him with his teary eyes.