
chapter 9

Well... thanks for the work you have me anyway, sorry things went downhill for you. I hope you can get back on your fit." Naruto stated with a forced smile, before he turned and started to walk.

This sucked.

Now he needed to find a third part-time job, a place that wouldn't conflict with his other two jobs, and still left him enough time to go to school. He stopped walking though, when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, and he turned to see the older woman he had worked for looking at him.

"...Listen, kid... it's not much, but I found this book in the attic. Apparently, my grandfather liked to collect occult things. I don't have the money to pay you... but take it." The woman reached into her own bag, and she pulled out an old looking book. The cover was black, with red lettering, with the pages having yellowed over a little from age. It was an old book that looked like it could fall apart, in no condition to sell. "You did good work for me, your massages always got high ratings."

'That's because nobody ever saw my face, or figured out you hired a high schooler with zero experience.' Naruto thought to himself as he accepted the book from her.

Part of him wanted to demand that she pay him what she originally promised, but looking at her, Naruto bit his lip.

He smiled.

"There, I knew you'd like it!"

"Yeah, it's really cool, totally work working here!"

"Good, well, I guess it was time I retired and went to stay with my kid anyway. About time too if you ask me."

Naruto didn't say anything, he just put the book she gave him into his backpack, and turned to head out to his apartment.

-At the Apartment Building-

"Hey! Uzumaki, if you get in trouble with the police one more time, you're out of here! I won't be having any criminals living at my building!"

"I understand sir, I'll try and stay out of trouble." Naruto waved to the landlord as he unlocked the door to his apartment. He would have mentioned that he did nothing wrong, and the police arrested him over something he didn't do and that he had been released because they realized their mistake, but it wasn't worth the effort. He was tired, hungry, and his stomach was hurting him.

Naruto groaned to himself as he entered the apartment, and he walked over towards the couch and sat down. Opening up his backpack, Naruto took out his textbooks and put them down on the coffee table, along with his homework.

It was nearly 1 AM now, so he didn't have long to try and study before he needed to get some sleep for school.

Thankfully, he could relax tomorrow, since it was the only day he didn't have to attend any of his part-time jobs.

Naruto looked at the book the old lady had