
chapter 12

Well you shut up Pervy Hermit, like you know anything about looks." Naruto stated as he stuck his tongue out at the third grave, laughing to himself as he imagined Jiraiya saying that to him. Naruto sighed to himself and looked up at the clouds. "... It's really hard not having you guys, but having this with me gives me the strength to push though." Naruto closed his eyes and felt the wind.

It felt nice.

His father's gift to his mother.

A gift with both of their hair, tied together to symbolize their love, hidden inside of a silver cross.

His mother's gift to him before her death, the proof that she and his father had loved him.

The necklace, kept safe by Jiraiya, who had been trusted by his parents to keep it for him until he was old enough to appreciate it.

Wearing the necklace was the same as wearing his loved ones, carrying them with him all the time as they gave him the strength to accomplish anything, and overcome any challenge. Any day that he wasn't able to wear it, was a worse day because of it.

"Well... I'm getting hungry, thankfully, I brought lunch. I have Salt Ramen, karaage chicken, and one of the dishes Mom made that Dad really liked... though I'm not a great cook, hopefully I imitated her cooking well enough." Naruto brought out all of their favorite foods. He would respectfully eat it for them, and bring himself closer to them by enjoying their loved foods.


Naruto heard what sounds like a paintball gun go off, and he heard a loud yelp from something. Naruto stood up quickly and he looked around, before he heard the sound go off again, and the yelp get even louder than before. Only now, he knew which direction it had come from, and he was able to start running in that direction. It was nearby the graveyard, in the nearby woods, well within quick running distance for Naruto to jump the fence and rush off to the sound of the banging.

Naruto was met with 2 guys and a girl surrounding a growling and yipping fox.

A Red Fox, small and injured already with a leg that had a bloody gash on it. It had paint splattered on it's side. The red fox was one of the few fox breeds in Japan, and while they were respected and revered as an animal, often times many people would attack foxes to prove themselves badass.

"Looks like I'm even more awesome than some stupid thing like a kitsune!"