
chapter 14

was a bigger, stronger person, so for him to react to somebody would just prove them right about him that he was a big, stupid, violent thug.

He would not stand by while another person or creature was being tormented or hurt for the simple amusement of others.

Naruto had anger issues.

So, all his life he was forced to keep those issues under fine control or else losing control completely.

"I'm... I..." The man could barely speak, his throat damaged, and his voice hoarse.


Naruto's words were simple, but to anyone hearing them, they were a death threat to the weak willed. The man bowed to the fox on the ground, and he mumbled out an apology the best that he could. He got enough strength to stand up, and he started to walk away, glancing back at Naruto and glaring at him.

Naruto ignored the glare and looked down at the little fox.

It looked at him curiously, and suspiciously, so Naruto sat down and smiled at the fox. Naruto reached out carefully to the fox.

It bit him on the hand.

Naruto didn't flinch.

He used that hand to pull the fox towards him, and into his lap. His actions only confused the animal further, as he gently stroked the top of the animals head with his uninjured hand. Naruto never touched any of the spots splattered by paint, or injured at all.

The fox whimpered and stopped biting him.

"It's okay, you're hurt and scared... I'm not angry with you. You're alright now, you're safe with me."

It didn't understand his words, of course, it was an animal. Still, all the same the animal understood his tone of voice and the meaning of his words. Even if it didn't, what it would have understood were the actions Naruto took. Every single thing Naruto did from start to finish had only helped the fox, saved it's life, and carefully avoided bringing it anymore pain.

It understood it was in the presense of a good person.

The creature started to lick the wounds that inflicted on Naruto's hands, whimpering in regret as it did. It looked up at Naruto to see how he reacted to the licking, and Naruto only smiled at the animal even more gently.

A friendship was born.

Chapter End!

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