She is coming with me

It was early hours in the morning, the sun had just begun to rise over the horizon. The carpenters from Kakariko village were arriving to finish their repair jobs on the Castle, but they all stopped to wave at Link's running figure, one of them actually yelled out the number 5 smiling, he was calling on the number of laps the Prince had run around the castle. Once Link completed his 10th lap, he stopped to drink some water and cool off a little.



I am glad the carpenters find this entertaining; I wish I could too, but my mind keeps traveling back to the discussion I had with Daphnes yesterday. I must admit that I was the one surprised, he did not even flinch at what I asked, he just produced a sad smile and said NEVER. I still started telling him that I WOULD NOT be taking her with me always, just when the mission is low risk and I can assure she will stay safe and away from harm, he still didn't budge. But he was not screaming either, that only means there is hope.

I am sure he noticed how recent events affected Zelda, but not negatively. She matured so much and is glowing because of it, but his fatherly side can't wrap around the idea of putting her in danger's path on purpose.

A carpenter approaches Link running.

"HEYOOO, we finished the doorframe? Or whatever it is… either way, you asked for it and we delivered"

"Already? that was fast, thanks" Link says surprised.

Rolling his eyes "We work fast, that is why Mutho doesn't fire us, we just lack motivation for most jobs" the carpenter says with pride.

"And what was your motivation this time?" Link asks curious and entertained.

"You running. You asked four our services and left saying you had to finish your 10 laps before noon. We thought you were joking but soon enough you were running your 2nd and 3rd. We took it as a challenge, we just had to finish before you ran your 10th lap, or we would die…" after a few seconds the carpenters cracks in laughter, Link smiles recognizing he liked to play games like that too "We were not actually going to die, it's just a game we like to play" said the carpenter grinning "What we really meant is that we would lose, we hate losing"

Link looks at the legs of the structure, he notices them deeply buried to bring more stability, he smiles since it looks sturdy enough, so he decides to test it. Link jumps to grab the top part of the ¨door frame¨ and starts doing pull ups, the carpenter just stares wide-eyed.

"No complains, it is a fine job" Link says gasping.

The Carpenter nods and was about to say something but Zelda approaches them, so he leaves. Zelda watches Link do pull ups a few seconds and clears her throat to speak.

"Good morning, I… wanted to ask you, how did yesterday's chat with the King go?" the Princess asks with curiosity.

Link stops his exercise and drops to answers her.

"Can't say it went bad, we didn't kill each other"

"So… when are we starting the sword fight training?" she asks hopeful.

Gosh, I had forgotten about this ace, I still have it and I am going to play it HAHAHA. If she goes to Daphnes directly and asks him for this, it will further prove what I told him about her.

Link grins before answering "Wait, what? We did not agree to me doing anything. If you want this, YOU have to be the one to convince him" Link tells her.


"HE WILL NOT, don't be melodramatic. If I bring up the topic, he will suspect I am influencing you, it has to come out of you. You are the princess, and later on you will be the Queen, LEARN TO DEMAND THINGS. Actually… you already know how to do that don't you?" Link quickly lifts his eyebrows and smiles at Zelda "Be that Princess again, the one who saved me." Link gives her a half smile and jumps up to do more pull ups.

Zelda stays frozen in place; she was stunned by what Link just told her "But I… oh damn" Zelda turns to walk back to the castle; she suddenly stops and does a 180-turn stomping on the floor.

"AND YOU SHOULN'T OVER DO THAT; what if you reopen something?" Zelda says in anger and kind of worried.

Link drops again, and stares at her furious, lifts his shirt showing his practically healed torso.

"SWORD wants to reinstate me in a week, I need to restart my routine exercises" Link states.

The Princess sighs in defeat "I leave you to it then, just make sure you are not overstepping healing boundaries… I will need to start exercising too, right? WAITH don't answer, let me talk to the King first, wish me luck with that" Zelda jogs back.

Good luck, but you don't need it, I am sure you will do just fine, hopefully more than just fine. It's sad that she does not realize how much power she has over the King. Makes me feel pity for Daphnes.

The Carpenter approaches Link, he was waiting for the princess to leave before mustering the courage to ask what type of exercise he was doing, and if he could teach him to do it too.



Zelda runs back to the castle, as much as her shoes allowed her of course.

I FUCKING HATE THESE SHOES, yeah… I picked them, they look beautiful, but the boy shoes I wore during the attack were SO MUCH BETTER. They were a little big for me, but so comfortable, I could run with those no problem. Maybe I should change my footwear.

She stops in front of the library to ponder about her next move.

What time is it? It should be early in the morning still, I need talk with the King before he starts his day, I don't want to interrupt him for this, he still has important matters to attend to…

Zelda starts heading to the north tower, the one used by the King and her mother, but midway stops herself.

I should NOT seek for him in the royal chamber, I think I should wait for him in the throne room, I don't want to interrupt him, but I need him to take me seriously, so I want to make it feel like I am requesting an audition. YES, I should do that.

Zelda heads to the throne room, once there she enters without hesitation, closes the door behind her and hears a man clearing his throat, she turns and finds Daphnes. He was already seated in his throne, resting his elbows on his legs looking down at her due to his elevated position. Zelda looks up at him and smiles sheepishly.

"To what to I owe the pleasure of you visit Princess?" the King asks with curiosity.

Wow. Straight to the point, not even a hello, how are you. Well… he is the King, of course he has no time for amicable chit chat.

"Good morning for starters" Zelda states "I wanted to make a request"

Daphnes lowers his gaze in shame "GOOD MORNING of course, don't mind my lack of manners, I was shocked, you have never... What do you need?"

Zelda breaths in very deeply and starts "We experienced an attack a few days ago, I am sure our guards would have been able to handle it if they had been here, but they were not… the experience made me realize that as the Princess I should not be defenseless. My request is to start sword fighting classes, I need to at least know the basics, I don't want to be a burden if something happens again"

The King stares at her wide eyed, he stands and walks down the steps that elevated his throne from ground level. Then he slowly approaches the Princess.

"Who told you that you needed this?" The King asks narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"Wha- nobody, I am doing this out of guilt. Link was almost killed trying to defend me, and I was so damn useless. I don't want to feel like that again… in fact, I am sure he can teach me, just order him to and he will" Zelda asks adding a cute smile at the end.

Shaking his head "I am not sure you want LINK to teach you, he is… unstable. He disguises it very good but it's clear he is not right in the head; I am not sure I can trust you with him" the King admits.

[If what you want now is for me to never lie or hide anything from you, I will tell you exactly what to say to me. And yes, YOU have to say it to my face]. The King shakes his head at the memory of Link's eyes somehow glowing as he said that, and his voice… it briefly sounded unnatural.

Zelda stares at the King and soon breaks in a fit of laughter catching Daphnes of guard. She soon composes herself and continues with the discussion.

"I know he is crazy, almost psychotic, but you kind of have to be in order to perform in his line or work, right?" the Princess asks not really expecting an answer so she continues.

"Besides it's not like you DIDN'T KNEW before making him a Nohansen, so what changed?"

Sighs "One thing is adding that beast to the family, and another is allowing my daughter to wrestle it… but I guess you are right, crazy is a must if you work for SWORD" The King admits, but he still feels uneasy about this.

"He is dangerous, but crazy enough to follow a code, and the code is his word, if he says he will do something consider it DONE, so far he has not failed to fulfill his word, so I trust him." Zelda admits.

The King closes his eyes and covers his face between his hands "You… raise a very good point, I was failing to see the whole picture and only focusing in not damaging my family any further. The training will be harsh… bruises and cuts, is that really what you want?" Daphnes insist hoping his daughter will reconsider. They may not be blood related, but she is still his girl, he really does not want to even imagine her bruised, but if she really wants this, he will agree.

"YES. I don't mind the bruises and cuts, what bothers me is being defenseless… Does this mean-" Zelda finds herself unable to finish the question, her eyes already glistening with tears of happiness and hope.

The King returns to his throne and draws a sheet of paper from under it whit a pen, gets back to Zelda and signals for her to turn around. She happily does and the King uses her back to write on the sheet of paper. When he is done, he folds the paper and gives it to Zelda.

"Give this to Link, it states how and when your sword training begins… You will NOT learn to attack, it will be defense and maybe how to disarm an opponent, I stand firm on that."

Zelda produces a high pitch scream and jumps on Daphnes wrapping her arms around his neck. The King stumbles back a little but recovers and hugs her back lifting her a little to spinning her. As he lowers Zelda to the floor, she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek and rushes out of the throne room.



"Yes, I am strictly following the exercise plan Carla send to me"

"GOOD, as I am sure she told you, we want to reinstate you in a week approximately" the General says.

"That much I gathered, who am I murdering?" Link nonchalantly asks.

"NOBODY… I am sure you know about the potential donor project we started for you 2 years ago"

Oh yeah, the project that is doomed to failure. A 90% match is demanded by SWORD to guarantee reception of whatever is being donated, that percentage is derived by 4 tests: blood typing, tissue typing, serum crossmatch and PRA. That percentage is most likely meet by direct family members, which I don't have. Still, they are trying to find me possible donors and I did not stop them. I would love the idea of there being somebody that can donate me blood or an organ if ever necessary, but let's be real here, THEY WON'T FIND ANYONE.

"It took us long but we have revised all existing medical records around the globe, and we found 2. We think it would be GOOD for you to reach out to them. That is your mission" the Generals says this giggling at the idea of Kid trying to be friendly with strangers.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! HOW? [I wish for all realities to be destroyed except the one I am heading to]

My wish… it only included the loops that came after me, and guarantied eternal rest for the loops before me… but I forgot about the other timeline, a future where I died but my spirit respawned spontaneously, generating guys that are NOT even related to me but still ARE ME. If I remember correctly there were 2, the pirate boy and the engineer... FUCK.

The triforce didn't destroy them because they are technically me, but since their original reality disappeared due to my wish, they were placed in this world with me, just not in Hyrule. How could I have made such a terrible mistake.

*Dude calm down and breathe, SWORD only suspect they may be a match because of a medical record, you have to verify if they are still around, and if they really are a match, it can still NOT be them.

"I… will hang now, have a nice evening General Zalatoris"

Link ends the call with the General in mental distress, he sits on his bed and breathes trying to compose himself, then the sound of Zelda's shoes approaching is heard. He suddenly realizes she is coming to hell so he begins to open the door, but Zelda opened it first and hugs him doing small jumps. Then hands him the sheet of paper, Link reads it quickly and gives Zelda a half smile while ruffling her hair with his left hand.

"The King insist on me just learning defense and how to disarm, but that is better than nothing right?"

"It's perfect" Link says and leans close to Zelda "defense is a psychological attack. Its demoralizing, it kills them here first" he taps on his temple and winks at Zelda "then you can attempt to kill them once they give you an opening… but that will be solely on you. Since I am forbidden to teach you how."

Zelda beams and can't contain her excitement, Link reaches behind Zelda to reopen the door.

"Are you throwing me out" Zelda asks daring him to answer.

"Of course not my Princess, you can stay if you want but I need to meet with the King" Link says wiggling the letter and rushing out of his room.

Link pulls out the sheet of paper and reads it again, to make sure he understood before making a fool of himself. He quickly arrives at the throne room; he stood there staring at the double doors that seemed to radiate an ominous vibe. Link breaths in and opens them. Inside, Daphnes is speaking with Sebastian, they both stare at Link upon his arrival. Link glances at Sebastian who seems to be engrossed writing something, and holding his adoption papers for some reason.

He is the lawyer, isn't he? Why would he be… DAMN!!! How did she do it?

*She must have made a big impression… she did the job for you, I am not used to her being reliable*

"She is coming with me, isn't she?" Link asks sardonically.

Daphnes stares at Link squinting his eyes, then raises his index finger and brings it to his lips demanding silence.