How did I acquire the alien technologies?

An netizen asked me how the aliens imparted their scientific knowledge to me.

They have a technology called Artificial Field Scanning that can transmit knowledge and other information into the human brain using an intangible field. It can also scan a person's brain to extract their thoughts and consciousness.

During my stay on their planet, I underwent numerous experiments, many of which involved scanning my brain with their equipment. 

Sometimes, while being scanned, I also received their instructions on how to think and recall.

I suspect that the way I acquired their scientific knowledge was most likely through their use of Artificial Field Scanning technology, which transferred their knowledge directly into my brain. It wasn't obtained through verbal communication. In just one month, it would be impossible to learn, master, and assimilate so much scientific and technological information through verbal communication.

I recall them saying that the knowledge they transferred to my brain would only come to mind when I needed to use it. Otherwise, I wouldn't remember it spontaneously. 

If this knowledge suddenly appeared all at once in my mind, it could cause brain damage and lead to symptoms like schizophrenia.

For several decades, I have experienced unexplained mental tension and pain. Whether this is related to the alien encounters, I can't be sure. I have never shown symptoms of schizophrenia, but my daughter has developed the condition. Could there be a connection?

It's also possible that they transferred part of an alien's memory into my brain, so I possess some memories and knowledge of an alien. 

They communicated with me verbally too. I was curious about their bodies, sex, and relationships, and when I asked them about it, they either ignored me or gave brief, dismissive answers.

They repeatedly instilled this concept in me, emphasizing that it is the most crucial secret of the universe, only accessible to beings from highly civilized and advanced planets. This principle must be of utmost importance. 

Analyze, if this principle is correct, then our earthly concepts of dark matter, dark energy, string theory, the God particle, and the standard model would all be fundamentally incorrect and utterly useless.

From this principle, we realize that time, fields, mass, charge, the speed of light, momentum, force, and energy – all of these are effects of the movement of matter in space or the relative movement of space around matter, and that space itself is constantly in motion.

Many netizens comment that my memoir of the journey to the alien planet and the alien scientific theories are eye-opening but also logically disorganized and chaotic.

One reason for this could be my junior high school education level, which limits my ability to clearly explain complex alien scientific theories.

Another reason is the unusual manner in which I acquired alien technology. Currently, I can't distinguish between what I learned through communication with the aliens, what was transmitted to my brain through their field scanning, what memories I have from an alien, and what I learned by accessing information in space.

Regarding my account of the journey to the alien planet in Adventures on the Planet Guoker, an netizen asked if it was real. I can only say that about half of it is true. This is because my memory is blurry and I cannot clearly differentiate which experiences happened first and which occurred later. I suspect this confusion may be due to the aliens interfering with my memory.

There have been reports suggesting that aliens can disrupt and modify the memories of Earthlings they contact. They can jumble the sequence of events or alter memories to make them seem absurd, leading to ridicule and doubt when the contactees try to describe their experiences. 

I have faced similar situations. There are things I hesitate to talk about for fear of being ridiculed for their absurdity.

Also, it's reported that aliens abduct Earthlings for various sexual experimentation activities, collecting data from these acts. However, due to the sensitive nature of these topics, they are difficult to discuss openly.

Additionally, societal norms make it challenging to accept discussions about alien activities.

When I initially wrote Adventures on the Planet Guoker, I struggled to get it published online. After receiving warning calls, I had to repeatedly revise it to resemble a science fiction novel before it was finally published online, where it has mostly been deleted now.

An netizen told me, "If you had just written about physics or technology and not mentioned aliens, your situation might have been better today, and you could have received more help. By bringing up aliens, you created aversion, which is detrimental to your promotion of advanced technology".

When I returned from the alien planet, I actively promoted my encounter with aliens. Discussing aliens might have caused aversion in others, which I didn't fully consider at the time, nor did I anticipate that I would now face severe online censorship.

I want to clarify that when I went to various institutions to promote alien technology, even before mentioning aliens, I was told to leave, perhaps due to my appearance. It wasn't because I spoke of aliens that people thought my stories were fanciful.