Steal A Book


"You shouldn't be in here." Eryx's gaze honed into a glaring slit, and Sayge immediately ceased in her activities at the sound of his displeased tone. He was presently seated upright on his bed with his back against the headboard, casting a narrowed-eye scrutiny on the fox lady, who audaciously indulged in burning incense on a stick, but even at his respite, she continued.

"You were in a lot of pain today, the smell of it will bring you some relief." Sayge explained, kneeling beside his side table and lighting the incense she had carefully positioned. "Incense has a purifying effect on both the environment and the mind. It can dispel negative energies, such as your curse, and you will feel better in no time. Please, allow me to assist you in finding some solace and healing."