
"A person," he said, "it makes you a person, because only people can feel this way. What's so bad about wanting someone who's like you?"

"It's unacceptable."

"Is it?" Cillian asked, "as far as I know, it's normalcy in Thaymor and The Pinnacle, and I know some witches are like that as well."

"That's a lie, no witches are like that."

"The fates?"

"They're sisters!" Alana yelled.

"So you think."

"I lived with them from when I was a baby until I was sixteen; they are sisters!" She defended.

"They aren't," Cillian countered, "you should do your research." His voice was calm, making Alana appear like an idiot arguing with herself.

He looked straight ahead, victory filling his veins as he urged his horse forward away from Alana. He was proud of himself for simply shutting Alana up and before he totally left her in the dust, one look over his shoulder at her was not undone.