Live Streaming

The comments in the live stream kept rolling non-stop:

"Who would pack such an expensive Planet-Class Booster in a cardboard box? Totally a fake."

"Some folks just love a bargain. They always gamble on the cheap stuff, thinking they might get lucky and score the real deal."

"I'm out, definitely a fake. I've seen too many of these unboxing streams, and it's always a bunch of smoke and mirrors."

Lexi was pretty chill about these comments. After getting scammed out of $500,000, he felt like nothing could rattle him anymore.

He quietly opened the cardboard box and took out the Planet-Class Booster from inside, holding the potion in his palm for the viewers to see closely.

"Ha, there's actually a potion, huh. At least the seller wasn't lying about that."

"Come on, drink it and see if it's real."

"Don't drink it, man. What if it's poison and you end up pooping your brains out, haha."

"Hey! Don't be so gross. People on Planet Koros are still trying to have dinner."

After showing it off, Lexi opened the potion's stopper.

Then he told the viewers, "I'm just a normal military student, and don't have a rich family. My family emptied all their savings for the potion. Even if it's fake, I won't regret it because there's no way I could afford a real Planet-Class Booster. I bought this from an interstellarnet shop called Arix's Potions. If it's real... well, even I don't believe it could be."

After saying that, Lexi resignedly gulped down the potion. But as soon as the potion hit his mouth, a bitter taste shot straight to his brain. That taste nearly knocked him out.

Lexi figured it must be some kind of poison. Then he threw up a few times, and grew even more convinced he'd bought a fake.

He couldn't afford a Planet-Class Booster, but he'd heard enough from classmates who had. A real Planet-Class Booster didn't taste bitter at all; it had a faint fragrance.

It was too late for regrets. When a sharp pain hit his body, Lexi passed out before he could even call an ambulance.

The viewers on the interstellar net watching the live stream had no idea what had happened to Lexi. On the screen, Lexi's eyes were tightly shut, as if he was preparing for something.

Some viewers were worried about Lexi. However, there was a noticeable rise and fall in his chest on the screen. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and started to anticipate what would happen next.

Some viewers, getting bored of waiting, started discussing again.

"I just searched for Arix's Potions that the host mentioned, and there's only one kind of potion there. 8 Planet-Class Boosters for just 500,000. Hah, the shop must not know that the cost of a Planet-Class Booster is over 500,000. Definitely a fake."

"Is it just me, or do you guys also feel bad for Lexi? His family doesn't even have a million astrocredits."

"Really? Not having a million is considered poor now? Oh my, you must be a spoiled princess."

Time ticked by. Half an hour later, just as many viewers were considering whether to call the police, Lexi's surprised voice suddenly came from the live stream.

"Ah! Planet Class! My physique has really upgraded, the potion is real." Lexi excitedly screamed into the camera. It seemed words weren't enough to express his excitement, as he then passionately kissed his opticomputer a few times.

The viewers were first shocked by the enlarged lips on the screen, but then the chat exploded.

"Bang! In your face! You skeptics!"

"Lexi's so lucky, I'm going to buy one to try."

"Yeah, a Planet-Class Booster for just 500,000 astrocredits, half the price of a physical store. I'm tempted to buy one too."

"Wait, what was that one person saying earlier?"

"Arix's Potions, 8 Planet-Class Boosters."

"Damn! That's the one, I'm heading there now, you guys keep chatting."

"Wait for me, count me in."

Arix, still asleep, had no idea her online shop had blown up.

When many viewers arrived at Arix's Potions, there were only product descriptions left on the counter.

The crowd went wild, leaving messages on the online shop begging for the potion, and some viewers who couldn't buy the potion went back to the live stream to complain about those who were quick to purchase.

"Damn, someone just snagged 3 bottles in one go."

"Huh! I got one, selling it for 800,000, if anyone's interested."

"You're so greedy, flipping it for a 300,000 astrocredit profit."

"I don't care about flipping. I want it. OP, I messaged you privately, please reply, desperately need the Planet-Class potion!"

The next day, when Arix opened her opticomputer, her account had an extra 4.5 million astrocredits. She quickly realized it must be because all the potions were sold out.

Arix checked her shop on the opticomputer, only to find the shelves empty and the shop flooded with over a thousand messages from buyers wanting the potion.

Arix was thrilled, eager to make more money, especially since she really wanted her own mecha. But today, she couldn't make any potions because, unfortunately, she had to attend the entrance exam.

After some thought, Arix posted a seemingly heartless announcement in her shop.

Dear customers, I am aware of everyone's demand. However, I regret to inform you that due to personal reasons, the restocking date for the next batch is uncertain.


Arix's Potions

After posting the announcement, Arix muted the frantic comment notifications from her online shop. She took out the remaining eight potions and called for a delivery robot.

Once everything was settled, Arix realized it was already 7:30 in the morning. Her exam started at 9:30. So, she stopped paying attention to the online happenings and set out for the Hecaris Military Academy.

When Arix arrived at the Hecaris Military Academy, the area in front of the school was already packed with people from various planets who had come to take the exam.

Today was the day of the entrance assessment, and the Hecaris Military Academy allowed people other than students to approach the school.

As a result, many who were usually curious about the school also came to visit. They gathered at the gate, excitedly peeking into the Hecaris Military Academy from time to time.