Exams Started

Marlone was just sitting there, but he made everyone feel a kind of pressure. But Arix wasn't scared of Marlone. Instead, Arix felt kind of drawn to him because of his typical soldier vibe.

Marlone looked around the room before he said, "First off, our test isn't a video game. We use the latest brain-machine interfaces to bring out the real skills of the trainees. So, everything you face in the virtual world will feel super real, including injuries and pain. The test isn't totally safe. Every year, some trainees get their psychic world messed up or get hurt by accident. Minor injuries in the psychic world can be fixed with advanced Psychic Ware; but if it's a bad injury, the injured person could end up in a coma. I'm warning you guys again, think about your families when you're pushing yourself hard. It's not shameful to quit when it's risky!"

"That's my advice and warning to you all. One last time, got it?" Marlone said in a really serious and deep voice.

"Got it!!" All the trainees stood tall and shouted together.

Marlone kept a very serious face the whole time. Only after everyone answered did he relax his face a bit. He nodded lightly and said, "Now, I'll explain the rules for the next three days. Listen quietly."

Arix listened quietly and quickly understood the main points of the test. This test wasn't just for students from the Hecaris Military Academy; students from four other military schools would also join the freshman test.

Calling it a test was one thing, but it was also kind of a competition. Only the top performers would get a chance to enter the military school. The competition was mainly about earning points, mostly by taking down insectoids. The more insectoids you take down, especially the tougher ones, the more points you get. Also, taking out other competitors could score you their points.

Plus, there would be referees watching the whole test. At the end, they might give extra points based on how the trainees did in the simulation."

After Marlone finished speaking, the students started to whisper among themselves.

"The competition starts in half an hour. On the last page of the info pack you got earlier, there's a white pill stuck to it. This pill is super packed with energy. After you take it, you won't need to eat for three days. Once you take it, your Psychic Incarnation will also show up in the virtual testing ground."

Right after Marlone finished his sentence, he noticed that the trainees had almost all swallowed their pills at the same time.

"You didn't really have to take it so soon, the competition hasn't even started. Even if you take down insectoids now, you won't earn any points..." Marlone mumbled quietly.

"Ummm... maybe tell us the important stuff a bit sooner next time?"

"Okay... thanks... I guess?"

"Seriously? This is going to be our teacher?"

As moans filled the air, all the trainees peacefully closed their eyes. Their Psychic Incarnations quickly entered the interstellarnet world.

Marlone, feeling awkward, touched his nose, thinking about leaving, when he noticed there was one who hadn't taken the pill.

"Huh? You didn't take it?" Marlone looked at Arix in surprise.

Arix gave Marlone a complicated look. She was curious about the ingredients of the pill, so she hadn't immediately taken it like the others.

"Before I answer your question, you might want to check out what's behind you," Arix said sympathetically, looking at Marlone in the video.

Marlone stiffened, carefully turning his head to look behind, only to see the president of the Hecaris Military Academy staring at him with a look that could kill.

"President Gunder, I can explain..." 

The screen went black just as Arix thought she could hear Marlone's wail.

As the Hecaris Military Academy's examinees entered the interstellarnet, people from the Alliance were surprised to discover that the exam had started early.

"Huh? Wasn't it supposed to start in half an hour?"

"Look closely, it seems that only the Hecaris Military Academy's examinees have started half an hour early. But killing insectoids at this time won't earn them any points. I'm a bit puzzled by this move."

"Isn't the Hecaris Military Academy just wasting their energy by doing this? Are they intentionally trying to let others win? That's way too generous."

"I don't know if the Hecaris Military Academy can win this time, but they're definitely the best opponents. All I want to say is, I'd love a dozen opponents like them, thank you!"

Meanwhile, in the Alliance military school's conference room, the examiners of the new students from the other four military schools exchanged glances. Then, they all turned their gaze towards Marlone from the Hecaris Military Academy.

Marlone decisively closed his eyes, now swollen with a mix of purple and red. He didn't want to face the harsh reality.

After a moment of silence, Solis, the examiner from the Koros Military Academy and usually a peacemaker, stepped forward to comfort Marlone. "Hey, look at this. The freshmen from the Hecaris Military Academy aren't that foolish. They've avoided the dangers they needed to and have knocked out and tied up the insectoids they've encountered. It seems they're planning to kill them once the competition officially starts to earn points. You have to admit, students are getting smarter these days."

Marlone, giving up on struggling, half-opened one eye and glanced at the live stream. It was just like Solis had said. Feeling a bit better, he nodded at Solis as a way to say thanks.

"This student named Arix is quite interesting. Out of everyone at the Hecaris Military Academy, she's the only one who didn't take the pill. Really stands out, doesn't she?" said Laiden, the examiner from the Snorri Military Academy.

He was lounging back in his chair, dressed in a luxurious white uniform with gold trim. His sharp features carried an aristocratic elegance, though at the moment, his graceful face was marred by a regretful smirk.

Shella, the examiner from the Mulado Military Academy, was sitting coolly in a soft chair, dressed in a purple dress.

She glanced at the video. On the screen, Arix was sniffing and licking the pill but didn't swallow it. Seeing this, Shella frowned and then silently looked away.

Shella's features were delicate, making her appear somewhat fragile. However, no one in the room dared to underestimate her. When speaking to her, many even acted a bit cautiously and pleasingly.

After all, not only was Shella from the Horcruxes family, but she was also a Star-Class Psychic Ware maker.

Her status was very high, so she usually didn't need to attend events like the freshman exam and was only expected to show up for ceremonial occasions. She had come specifically this time because her niece was taking the entrance exam.

"This kid started analyzing the pill's ingredients instead of just taking it. She'd make a good chemist," said Mendez, the examiner from the Ceres Military Academy. He was dressed in a light green uniform and wore somewhat old-fashioned gold-rimmed glasses, which added an air of wisdom to his already handsome appearance.

Marlone didn't want the conversation to continue dwelling on his embarrassment, so he quickly changed the subject, "The movements of the five noble families this time are quite significant. It's rare for their members to take part in the exam, and now we have two of them. Shella, Mendez, you'd better keep an eye on your cubs. But why are you suddenly placing so much importance on this exam? Is something about to happen within the Alliance?"

Solis frowned and replied, "It's not the end of the world, but it's not far off. The Alliance's upper echelons just received news that a pureblood royal is getting in one of the Empire's military schools."