The Empire And The Alliance

As soon as Ortiz got back to the Gravity Training Center, he wrapped his arms around Bauer and wailed, "I've had enough! Arix must be my jinx. Every time I run into her, something bad happens."

"What happened now? Did you land her in the medical center again?" Bauer asked curiously, as if it was to be expected.

"No, this time she sent someone else there," Ortiz said, sounding sad but oddly proud.

"Who?" Bauer asked, surprised.

As soon as he mentioned it, Ortiz's face fell. He wiped his face and mumbled, "Captain Cantet, Kellan Kering's arch-rival."

Cantet and Kellan were the top contenders for the next Rear Admiral. Their rivalry was well-known throughout the Fifth Legion.

Bauer's mouth twitched as he gave Ortiz a thumbs up. He said sarcastically, "When it comes to courting disaster, you're the best, Ortiz. You just might have offended two future Rear Admirals."