Gene Lock

During the ten more years she had stayed in the interstellar era, "Arix" has gained a lot of knowledge about mecha technology. After returning, she wasted no time in setting up her own arms company.

Today, she's a renowned mecha expert in the 21st-century world. When she steps out, she's always flanked by more than a dozen guards for protection.

With her ambition, building a spaceship and migrating to other planets might soon be within reach. It's possible that the next leap in interstellar travel could be driven by her innovations.

Realizing her time here was limited, "Arix" quickly moved to the main task.

"Raya, I don't have much time. This time, I'm here on an old man's orders," "Arix" began, cutting Raya off before she could ask, "I don't know who he is, so don't ask."

Raya felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if "Arix" could read her mind. She hadn't even asked yet, but the answer was already given.