Underlying Schemes

"Did you hear? Jason took down Jake and those guys. Now he thinks he's some kind of school hero."

"Yeah, but isn't it just another form of bullying? He's flexing his muscles now. Who knows what's next?"

"I heard he's just trying to be a tough guy to cover up the fact that he's got issues. Classic attention-seeking move."

"Tsk! But really, look at him; he's going to be a new bully after Jake's gang."

The students of Hanseong High School were seen whispering to each other in the hallway and in class. Out of nowhere, Jason has become overly concerned with discussions, and various rumours have spread around him in class.

Jason just entered the school, but he could see a different mood in class. While usually most students try to contact him, today they seem to be unusually avoiding him.

'The heck with them today... Are they now concerned that I have too much power in class now? What a classic ass move...'

Jason sighed, but on the inside, he wasn't the least bit surprised, disappointed, or anything; he was already prepared to see. From the bottom, he had already seen the rises and falls of others in school; hence, it was obvious he would also be going through the same phase, and more than anything, he should be focusing on himself because, at the end of the day, it was his own improvement that mattered more than anything else.

"Hey Jason... Isn't school's mood quite heavy today? Some guys are seen jealous; they are spreading rumours about you, man."

Jason was greeted by one of his classmates; he had been quite close with Jason for the past few days. Jason just nodded at his words as he commented.

"Well, what can I do about it? Who doesn't like spreading rumours? It's not like I can go around beating people, right?"

"Well, you think that, but these bastards are making you look like a new bully at school; they are associating you with delinquents and making you look like you took training from them, and because you have a delinquent's backing, Jake's gang isn't messing with you."

As Jason heard that, a sudden, amused smile flashed on his face as he replied.

"Hahaha! That's funny; the real situation is quite opposite, but still! What do they eat to make stories like that?"

"Haha, I wonder... Anyways! I will meet you after launch!"


Jason bade him farewell and went directly to his seat, but today, particularly, he could feel the cold gazes of his classmates.

'Wow, these sheep really believe whatever people say without any second consideration...'

Jason scoffed at their behaviour, but he didn't really mind. The day passed by without any worry; Jake and his friends kept an absolutely low profile, and the next morning, suddenly, a new rumour spread throughout the school.

"Hey! Did you hear that!?"

"Fuck! Jason beat up the people who were saying he would be the next bully!"

"Fuck, he really has serious anger issues! It seems like he really wants to be bullied after all."

"You really can't believe that innocent face. Guess everyone changes with power, huh?"

A new rumour about Jason beating up students for talking against him behind his back spread all over the school. As Jason arrived at class, he noticed even more glares this time, and today nobody even made any attempt to talk to him.

As Jason tried to look at the class, everybody started to avoid his gaze, visibly afraid and having second thoughts because of rumours, and even the guy from last time who reported about rumours to Jason was missing from class.

"What the hell..."

This left Jason a bit confused today, and day by day more and more rumours started to spread in school, and Jason started to feel like he was going back to the same bottom hierarchy he once was in.

"He has such personality! Maybe that's why his parents got divorced!"

"What a sicko! You know I got one news story about beating up his friends in middle school!"

"So that's why he has transferred here so far away from his last residence."

"He meets up with delinquents these days! Man! I even saw the smoke!"

'You did?!'

Jason glared at these blatantly lying sheep, scaring them away, but rumours didn't die down; instead, every day, the rumours went more wild and hurtful.


'I really thought I would be affected by what other people think anymore, but still, these bastards are now even dragging my family situation into this; students no longer even try to associate with me and just keep glaring the whole day; I don't want to go to school...'

Jason sighed while sitting on his usual bench, but just then suddenly the doors of the class opened, and a teacher was seen entering the class coldly.

'Why is teaching here? There are still 15 minutes for class...'

Jason was a bit surprised, just like other students, but the teacher seemed to be finding someone, and as his eyes fell over Jason while pointing towards him, he angrily commanded

"Jason! Follow me at the principal office right now!"

"Principal... Office?"

Jason was instantly taken aback and immediately followed after the teacher. The whole class was silent, and the moment he stepped out, the whole class burst into chaos with loud mutterings.

'What the hell is happening?! Principal office?! What's the issue? My studies aren't bad at all, and I didn't break any school equipment either, so what the hell happened suddenly?

Jason and the teacher were absolutely silent all the way to the principal office, and as Jason stepped inside the principal office, he found the old half-principal angrily glaring at him, along with a few more teachers, as a student with bandages on his head was seen sitting in front of them along with his parents.

"Jason! Is it true you ordered delinquents outside of school to beat your classmate?!"

The principal immediately roared at Jason. Jason, hearing him, was immediately taken aback and responded with

"What?!! Why would I ever do such a thing!?"

"H-he! He is lying! I swear, I heard them talking on the phone with him! They were calling him boss after they beat me up yesterday as I was going home from school!"

The student accused Jason bluntly, and his parents also shouted in rage.

"What is this principal!? We want justice today!"

"This is school or a gang base!?What the hell are delinquents doing here? We immediately demand the expulsion of this bastard."

The chaos erupted inside the principal office. Jason was quite panicked by the situation and, stepping forward, shouted

"Why will I ever do such a thing!? You can search my phone! There is no such contact!"

As Jason said, the student in bandages stood up and shouted back.

"It's me! Park Minjae! I was your friend for a few years! I didn't help you in rough times; that's why you are taking revenge on me now that you are somewhat good at befriending delinquents! I won't stand down to this!!!"

"Park Minjae?! I'm not some kind of delinquent! You can't just come and accuse me like this! Any person can tell others that it's like this! This isn't right, sir!"

As Jason pleaded, the only response was a more enraged scream for that principal.

"Shut up!!! How dare you scream at my office! Get out! Right this instant! You are suspended from school for now while we investigate this case! Get out!"

Jason couldn't do anything; he just swallowed his rage and left the room without saying a word. As he left, Park Minjae revealed a slight grin on his face as the principal tried to calm his parents.

"We will take appropriate actions; don't worry, we will investigate this matter and give you the right response for what happened."

'Fuck is going on!'

Jason gritted his teeth, left the school, grabbed his bag, and went straight home, where further chaos was awaiting him. As soon as he entered his flat apartment, he noticed both his divorced parents inside today.

"Jason, what have you been involved in!?!"

"What am I hearing!?! I got a call from your classmate Jake! Are you getting involved with delinquents!?"

As soon as Jason entered, his parents suddenly bombarded him with questions without delay.

"Is this how we raised you?!"

"Is this why we pay your fees and spend all the money?! What have you done with your life!?! Answer us! What's all this!?"

Their faces showed rage as they shouted. Jason wasn't prepared for any of the chaos since the morning, and shortly the anger from Jason shifted to each other.

"This is all your fault? Even before marriage, you acted the same! Can't you pay attention to the fact that his child is living?"

"Y-you! How dare you say that to me! You drunkard! Jason had been living with you for months!"

"You are accusing me!?"

"Who else-!?"

His parents started to shout at each other in rage, accusing each other of raising Jason wrong. Jason, overwhelmed with panic and frustration, smashed his bag to the ground as he shouted.

"Shut up!!! Who raised me right?!! Not one of you had even had a single breakfast or dinner with me for the past 5 years! Shut up! I don't want to live with you either?!!"

As Jason said, he ran away from the house in the same school dress, leaving both his parents stunned, and not long after, he was seen running beside the road with one single goal in mind.

'Lucas! Lucas Hyung! I need him! He's the only one who can resolve everything! Hyung!!!'

He was the most desperate he had ever been at this moment, as he just ran and ran and ran till he reached the destination.

*** Readers Help me power stones please 🥺 look at these thirsty cute obsessive eyes for your possession hehehe-! Ahem! Just give them as offering to God ***



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