Chapter 2

Chapter 2:

Walking out of that house while everyone was watching me in awe or fear felt pretty cool. I told the other kids to go to the police and report Ruth, but I don't actually know if they will. 

The kids were pretty scared of me for being a 'Mutant.' They might not take my advice. Also, would the police even want to help a bunch of orphans? I honestly don't know. There was also the fact that Ruth and her creep son could, and probably would, just report me to the police for being a mutant who attacked them.

So it was in my best interest to leave the area for a while. 

…Now that I was actually standing in the street also, I wondered what I was going to do. It was already dark out, I had no money, and I didn't even know the name of the city I was in. 

Not a great start to my new life.

At least I had super powers in the form of Chakra and the Sharingan. Or I simply had a mutant power that was identical to the two? That was the far more likely case given the Universe I was probably in. Either way, it didn't really matter.

I needed to find some shelter for the night before it got too cold out. The Chakra inside me kept me warm while it was active, but I could 'feel' the amount I had in me draining at a steady rate. Even when I was hardly moving. I would definitely need to build up my reserves. 

I slipped the gun I was holding into one of my pockets and decided on my direction. I started walking towards the center of the city. 

I could see large buildings in the distance that I vaguely recognized. I think one of them was the empire state building although I wasn't 100 percent sure since it was dark. If I was in New York though, that would pretty much confirm I was in marvel.

I willed the energy circulating through my body to go dormant and I immediately felt weaker. The super strength and speed that was at my fingertips a second ago vanished. Thankfully, I felt like I could call upon the Chakra inside me again at a moment's notice if I needed to. I just wanted to save it for an emergency. I felt like almost half of the amount I started with was gone. 

Given that I had been only using it for around 10 minutes, I figured that I could use my Chakra to enhance myself for 20 minutes at my current level. If I was using my Sharingan on top of that, that time got cut down even more. Good thing most fights never lasted that long anyway. 

I let out a small shiver as I kept walking down the sidewalk. It was starting to get colder outside… I was only wearing a pair of old shoes, a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized T-shirt. 

A couple groups of people passed by me on the sidewalk, and I noticed that everyone tried to avoid eye contact with me. With my raggy outfit, I currently looked like I was homeless and they didn't want to get involved. 

Was the old Satsuki showing up to school with outfits like this? Did she even go to school? I still couldn't figure out what the ID in my wallet was for. It did not look like a typical School ID at least.

And speaking of my wallet, it was also unfortunately empty. I needed a way to change that. 

My Uchiha pride–which was a thing now because I wanted it to be–wouldn't let me start begging people for money. If I had too, I would just steal some. With my Sharingan activated, I figured I could pickpocket a person without them knowing. 

…Or at least run away quickly if I fail and get caught. To be honest though, I would feel bad stealing from ordinary people. 

I'd walked around five blocks at this point and had put myself a fair distance away from the foster home. "Fuck, this city gets really cold at night…" I muttered to myself with a shiver. I needed to find shelter, or some money for it at least. I should have taken Chris's wallet along with his gun. I wanted to kick myself for not thinking about that at the time. I wouldn't have robbed Ruth though because that would have been taking money away from the other orphans. 

My stomach grumbled. That asshole that ate most of the food at dinner, so now I was cold and hungry. "I wish some thugs would show up so I could beat them up and take their wallets…" I whined to myself.

"Hey, what the hell do you all think you're doing!?" A girl's voice shouted from an alley I just walked by. I doubled back and peeked around the corner. 

Ask and you shall receive apparently… 

Despite it being dark, I could still make out what was happening. Three grown men had a teenage girl surrounded in the alley. 

I looked around seeing if anyone else was going to help her. A couple people nearby on the sidewalk had obviously heard the girls shout, but they all put their heads down and started walking in the opposite directions.


If no one else was going to step in then I figured I might as well. I was literally just hoping for some thugs to show up just now after all.

Was this divine intervention? I had no idea. I still have no idea what brought me to this world.

One of the men was holding a beer bottle and slurring his words as he spoke. "Come on baby, wes just wants to have a little fun. Don't yous want to have fun with us?" 

"No! And piss off or you're going to regret it!" The girl said angrily to the three men. Instead of being scared, all she sounded was angry. The girl had some fire in her.

"Yeah girly, we'll show you a grand old time. Hehe…"

"You're a pretty one aren't you? I like em pretty…"

The other two men were clearly also drunk as well, not that that was any excuse for cornering a teenage girl. They were probably the type of guys who would do this sober too. 

My body felt warm again as I called on the Chakra inside me. I activated my Sharingan and the world around me slowed down. None of the drunken men noticed me as I charged into the alley behind them!

"Dynamic Entry!" I shouted loudly as I jumped up and kicked one of the men in the back as hard as I could. I think I felt some of his bones snap from the force of my kick. He was launched forward and violently skidded across the cold and dirty pavement.

"Ow." I fell on my butt. I misjudged how hard it was to properly land a jumping kick. I quickly stood up and acted like that fall never happened! 

The man I kicked did not get back up…

"Oh crap… I didn't just kill him did I?" I asked out loud. 

The girl I just saved was looking at me in shock. Her mouth was agape as her blue eyes met my red ones. She looked to be around 15 or 16 years old. She was dressed in all black and definitely had the goth vibe going on. I could tell that she was about to speak up before she was abruptly cut off.

"Benny!? Are you alright? Say something, man!?"

"He's not moving! You bitch! We're gonna kill you!"

The other two drunk men were not happy about me assaulting their friend. I was currently on the receiving end of two very hateful glares. 

One of them reached into his pocket and quickly pulled out a switchblade, while the other gripped the half-empty beer bottle in his hand tightly. He reeled his arm back before throwing the bottle at my head. For being drunk, he was surprisingly accurate! 

Thankfully, my Sharingan was able to easily track the bottle heading towards me. I simply tilted my head as it sailed by. It exploded behind me when it hit the wall. Glass and liquid splashed everywhere. 

The man who threw it was scowling that he had missed my head. "You want to be some kind of hero here? Well now both you sluts are going to get it from us! You better pray that Benny isn't dead or you're not walking out of this alley alive."

The other one gripped his knife tightly. He shifted his stance and I could tell he was about to rush me with it. I shifted in place as well, and got ready to fight him off. Even if I still didn't know how to properly fight yet, with my Sharingan, fighting off a regular drunk man shouldn't be that much of a challenge.

The guy never got the chance to attack me anyway though. 

"That's enough!" The girl I was currently in the process of saving yelled loudly. Everyone's attention went to her. 

She held up both of her hands towards the two remaining men. Her palms were facing them. What happened next surprised me. The darkness in the alley came to life! The shadows around us started moving and swaying back and forth. 

The cocky looks on both of the men's faces disappeared as they both recoiled in fear. "What the hell is going on? What is this?" Both of their eyes made for the entrance of the alley and I could tell they were about to make a break for it. They never got the chance. 

From the walls and the ground…From everywhere really, black shadowy tendrils sprang to life! the two men tried to make a break for it but they weren't fast enough. Shadowy tendrils raced after them and caught up. They completely wrapped around both of them until neither man could move. 

"We're sorry all right, please let us go!"

"We didn't do anything wrong, we were just playing around! We swear!" 

Their lies fell on deaf ears. The girl obviously did not believe them. If anything, the shadows wrapping around them got even tighter and their faces clenched up in pain. I was taking all of this in with my Sharingan and I was very impressed. 

"I told you, you should have left me alone." The girl swung her arms to the side and both men were flung towards the alley wall. They slammed into it hard, especially their heads. 

She let out a sigh and the shadow tendrils around both of their bodies disappeared. They dropped towards the ground and didn't get back up.

This time I was staring at her with my mouth agape. I grinned at her. "That was really cool! Your last name wouldn't happen to be Nara, would it?" She was controlling those shadows like a ninja master.

The Goth girl scoffed, but her cheeks were slightly red. I think she liked me calling her powers 'cool'. 

"No, and I don't go by my old name anymore anyway! Call me Shadow." She told me. 

Shadow, huh? Her name was a bit on the nose but I wasn't going to comment about that out loud. 

"So, who are you? And why are you dressed like Orphan Annie?" She asked me. 

I snorted at that. "I basically am Orphan Annie, but with super powers at least. The woman who runs the foster home was evil and a mutant hater."

Shadow's expression softed. "Did she kick you out?"

I shook my head. "No, she tried to sell me off to her disgusting neo-nazi gangbanger son! I awakened my powers, kicked him in the balls and left that dump!" 

Shadow snorted in laughter. "At least you left on your own terms. My parents threw me out when they found out I was a mutant." She ended bitterly. 

"I'm sorry to hear that. How have you been surviving?" 

"Just like this." She raised her hand again And small shadow tendrils emerged around the downed men. The tendrils reached into their pockets…and pulled out all of their wallets. 

Shadow went through the wallets and took all the cash and credit cards. She tossed everything else in the trash. I was doing my best not to look envious… I was planning on robbing those guys myself.

Shadow laughed at my obvious expression. She counted out $100 and handed it to me. "Here, you did take down one of the guys after all." Her cheeks turned pink again. "I appreciate you coming to save me too. It was…nice." She thanked me.

"No problem!" At least I had some money to get myself some warm food now. If any stores were open this late I would also grab some warmer clothes. 

Shadow looked me up and down. "You just got kicked out, right? You don't have anywhere to go?" She asked me

"I do not." I told her honestly. 

She bit her lip and looked a bit hesitant before she spoke. "Listen, I've pretty much been on my own out here for the past 2 months… It has been a bit lonely. So if you want, you can come and stay with me. I don't have much at the moment, but at least I have a warm loft that I've been squatting in."

 I smiled at her. "That sounds awesome!"