Acquiring Materials

(Carter POV)

As I leaned against my locker, watching the flow of students shuffle through the hallway, my eyes locked onto her: Atom Eve. Or, as she's known in this mundane high school setting, Samantha Eve Wilkins.

She's one of the few people in this universe who almost gives me pause. If she didn't have those mental blocks in her head, she could turn me into Swiss cheese, and I would be able to do nothing about it.

She could rule the world if she wanted to.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Not because I was excited to see her—though, in a way, I was—but because of the potential that lay before me. Atom Eve was more than just a hero in training; she was a key piece in a much larger puzzle. 

And I had plans—plans that required careful maneuvering, strategic alliances, and an understanding of just how far I could push this world before it pushed back.

As she approached, I casually closed my locker and pretended to fumble with my textbooks. I needed to play this right, approach her at the right moment, in the right way. Too eager, and I'd come off as suspicious. Too aloof, and I'd miss the chance to make a strong impression. The timing was everything.

Eve was talking with her friend as they passed. Their conversation was light and filled with the usual high school banter. I waited until she was almost out of earshot before making my move. 

"Hey, Eve!" I called out loud enough for her to hear but not so loud as to draw unnecessary attention from the others.

She paused, turning back with a quizzical look. "Yeah? Carter, right?"

I nodded, offering a friendly smile. "Yeah, we have history class together. I was wondering if you could help me out with the project due next week. I heard you're pretty good at that stuff." 

It was a simple ruse, nothing too elaborate, just enough to break the ice and start a conversation. But even now, I can feel my lack of social skills right now.

Eve smiled back, a genuine expression that made her eyes light up. "Sure, no problem. What part are you stuck on? I've never seen you get anything lower than A+ ever since you started here."

I shrugged, feigning confusion. "Honestly? The research. I've been swamped with other assignments, and I'm kinda drowning here. If you've got some time after school, maybe we could hit the library together?"

She considered it for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I could do that. Meet me by the library entrance after classes?"

"Perfect," I said, nodding. "Thanks, Eve. You're a lifesaver. Sorry to cut the short, but I gotta make sure I have everything for my other classes."

With the plan set in motion, I made my way to my first class, knowing that this was just the beginning. Building a relationship with Eve was crucial—not just for whatever immediate benefits it might bring, but for the long-term strategy. The more allies I had when everything went down, the better. And Eve? She was a prime candidate.

But beneath the surface, my mind was already racing ahead, calculating the variables. Eve's powers were still developing, just like Mark's and mine. But unlike Mark, she had a much more complex set of abilities that, if honed correctly, could make her one of the most formidable beings on this planet. 

The ability to manipulate matter at a molecular level was no small feat. If I could steer her growth, direct her potential… Well, let's just say the possibilities were endless.

Not to mention the fact that I'm currently holding the next piece of the puzzle; a small smile makes its way to my face as I stare at the tiny piece of hair in my hands.

But for now, it's time for mathematics and not shooting myself up with superpowers.

Later That Day

The school day dragged on, each class feeling more like an obstacle than an actual learning experience. It wasn't that the material was difficult; on the contrary, it was mind-numbingly simple. But I had to keep up appearances and play the role of the diligent student while my mind was constantly at work, analyzing, planning, and scheming.

Currently, I'm sinking the jump chain for allowing me to get bored and reducing perks as I wouldn't even survive one of these classes without them, such as the drawback of being an intellectual.

Other than that, though, there is one benefit to going to the school: allowing me to gain control over my enhanced senses because, at first, I could hear almost everything across the country. I've been able to isolate to just this room.

Finally, the last bell rang, and I found myself heading toward the library, backpack slung over one shoulder. Eve was already there, leaning against the wall near the entrance, scrolling through her phone. She looked up as I approached, offering a smile.

"Hey, ready to get started?" she asked, tucking her phone away.

"Absolutely," I replied, matching her smile. "Thanks again for this. I really appreciate it."

We found a quiet corner in the library and settled in. Books and papers spread out before us, and for a while, we focused on the project. It was mundane work but necessary. I needed to establish rapport, to show that I was someone she could trust, someone who could be a friend.

As we worked, I made sure to steer the conversation subtly, dropping hints about how tedious and frustrating school could be and how it felt like we were all being pushed into boxes that didn't fit. Eve, being who she was, immediately picked up on it.

"Tell me about it," she said with a sigh. "It's like they don't even care what we're interested in. We're just numbers to them, stats on a page." oh yes, I believe she was dissatisfied or at least easily annoyed with the status quo.

"Exactly," I agreed, nodding. "It's like there's no room for creativity, no chance to really explore what we can do."

Eve glanced at me, curiosity flickering in her eyes. "You sound like you've given this a lot of thought."

I shrugged, keeping my tone casual. "I just think there's more to life than following a script, you know? Especially for people like us."

"People like us?" she echoed, her interest clearly piqued.

I met her gaze, letting just a hint of seriousness creep into my voice. "Yeah. People who are different. People who don't quite fit the mold." Even I realize I'm laying it on a bit thick right now.

For a moment, there was silence between us, the weight of unspoken understanding hanging in the air. Eve was smart; she knew exactly what I was getting at. And that was the point. She needed to know that I saw her for who she really was, that I understood the challenges she faced, the burdens of power.

"Yeah," she finally said, her voice quieter now. "I get that."

And just like that, the first brick in the foundation was laid. This was about more than just befriending Eve; it was about aligning her goals with mine, about setting the stage for what was to come. She was strong, but she could be stronger but I am not too interested in playing instructor.

That Night

Back home, I returned to my room, locking the door behind me. The moment I was alone, I activated my tech jacket, accessing the data I'd gathered earlier from the Guardian's facility. The download had been completed without a hitch, and now I had access to everything—security protocols, personnel files, and, most importantly, the detailed schematics of the facility itself.

I scanned through the data, my mind racing with possibilities. My father's virus had done its job perfectly, leaving the facility vulnerable and exposed. But I wasn't just interested in the weaknesses; I was looking for opportunities. Ways to exploit what I'd learned and manipulate the system to my advantage.

Although it is slightly annoying that there wasn't much information on the global defense agency, it seems like Cecil didn't want Darkwing to have access to any information.

Also, it seems like Mark finally broke in the new suit after taking down what he called the one pump chump, who I assumed to be the man with the laser arm on the news. He definitely earned his name because he was only able to fire the weapon once before Mark knocked the guy out.

As I worked, my thoughts kept drifting back to Mark and Eve. Mark was undoubtedly powerful, but he was still naive, clinging to the ideals and lies our father had instilled in him. On the other hand, Eve had the potential to break free from those chains and see the world for what it truly was.

The pieces were falling into place, slowly but surely. I didn't know exactly when my father would make his move, but I knew it was coming. And when it did, I needed to be ready. Not just to survive but to thrive and come out on top.

And so, as the hours ticked by, I continued to work and plan. The world was changing, and I intended to shape that change in my favor. Alliances would be forged, battles would be fought, and when the dust settled, I would make sure that I was the one holding all the cards.

Because, in the end, it wasn't just about power. It was about control. And if there was one thing I was certain of, it was that control was something I would never relinquish.

Not to my father. Not to the Guardians. Not to anyone.

And then I saw it begin.

Earlier today, the guardians of the globe received an emergency alert, telling them to go back to base. I assume it's because they don't think anyone else knows the location of their base that they don't think an enemy would be able to find them there.

*Splat!* goes Darkwing's head as he smashed into the ground at Mach 50, sending bits and pieces of his upper torso into the nearby wall.

*Crunch* goes War Woman's head as it's turned 180° in an almost sickening term of events. Her backward head is left, staring right at one of the cameras. However, she managed to get a few hits by drawing blood from Omni Man using her mace.

*Splatter* Green Ghost's head as it is sent flying backward into the wall, with her amulet falling out of her severed neck.

Yet, even as I watch this, I'm studying, and I am learning that every single movement Omni man is making is almost an open book to me as he's not using his top speed, at least not quite yet.

Red Rush attempts to slam into Omni Man hit after hit, with each one being many times faster than the speed of sound, but I can tell he's hurting himself more than he's hurting Nolan.

Before he can slam another headshot, Omni Man grabs them by the arm and rips it off, causing the man to fall to his knees before Omni Man grips the sides of his head and crushes it.

Immortal then yells out, " Why!? Why have you done this?! We were teammates, colleagues, friends!" Nolan just looked at him with almost pity as he spit out a bit of blood from his mouth.

Immortal then charges into Omni man, slamming into the wall as the Martian attempts to enter Nolan's body using his shifting, and as the Martian nearly enters his eyes, sockets immortal is slamming his fist into every single part of Omni man's body, drawing spit and blood from the man.

But before the Martian can fully enter Nolan's body, he grips what I assume is the brainstem of the Martian and rips it off right as Immortal launches an uppercut right into Omni man's chin.

I almost hear Omni man's jaw being slammed out of alignment. Yet Nolan just looks at the immortal, looking battered and bruised, before grabbing the man's hand and, in one swift motion, slamming his fist through the immortal's chest.

Yet, as the immortal looks up at Omni, man, hatred nearly burning in his eyes, his head is cut off and sent across the room.

Aquarus understanding that he is about to die slams Nolan with the highest pressure of water he could causing the outside of Omni men's skin to red due to the pure amount of force being directed in his direction.

(Sorry this chapter took a bit I have been having some IRL troubles as of late. This chapter is a bit messy since I'm doing it on my phone instead of my computer, but thanks for reading my story.)

Some of his flesh begins to peel due to the high pressure of the water, acting as almost miniature molecular saws. Still, eventually, he stops as he finds Omni Man standing there with his heart in his hand, and as the fish man looks downward and sees the hole in his chest and subsequently lowers his hand as to almost inspect the hole before flipping Omni man, the bird and falling over dead.

Omni Man, after saying nothing, lurches onto the floor as he spits up blood and parts of Martian man's body before falling unconscious.

As I stared at the monitor, I made sure that Omni man was unconscious. After not seeing any movement for a couple of minutes, I activated my tech jacket and teleported into the base.

After looking at all the nearly destroyed bodies, I gave them a small farewell before collecting various samples from each one.

No matter how I spin this, it all comes down to the fact that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. A small solace is that they still exist in another time and other dimensions, but even I know that's just an excuse. 

After grabbing one last sample from the immortal, I make sure it's deleted any footage of me and that I didn't disturb any evidence.

Thanks to my telekinesis, I could use my flight power to hover a couple of centimeters over the ground, which would not disturb any of the blood stains.

After placing all of the samples into a briefcase I brought with me, I looked over to my father and slowly looked over to him. A small thought entered my mind. He was essentially at my mercy as well. He is unconscious. I could simply rupture his heart using my telekinesis.

Raising my hand, I nearly placed it on his throat, but as I looked at him, I weighed the pros and cons of his continued existence.

On the one hand, if I killed him here, I could avert a decent amount of trouble, but if he dies, the Viltrumite Empire may send another operative, and with what could happen to Mark and Debbie if that happens... I pulled my hand away and simply collected some samples from him.

Nolan will never know how close he was to death.

Not wishing to disturb the room's silence further, I teleport back to my home, head into the warehouse, and grab the injector.