Chapter Eleven

Bella looked back to see if Evan was still in her driveway but realized he had already gone.

"Come in" the voice encouraged, sending shivers down her spine.

"Please don't hurt me" she pleaded, backing away from the door. "It's not even the deadline yet"

"Come, inside" the voice warned again, making Bella sprint away from the door, dropping the shopping bag Evan had given her.

"Wow this is so pretty" Anna said picking up the bag after fully coming out of the house dressed like a gangster.

Bella looked at Anna with crazy eyes before pounding on her. " You crazy witch" she laughed, pressing against Anna's neck.

"It was just a prank" Anna laughed trying to pull Bella off her.

"I was about to call the police" Bella said again not wanting to let Anna go.

"I didn't know you would be that scared, I'm sorry" Anna replied coughing a ton, before Bella finally let her go.

"You're crazy" Bella said laughing, hand on her chest. "If you come inside I'm going to kill you"

"I love you too" Anna laughed again joining her as they both walked inside the house.

Across the road, a man with a red baseball covering his face sat in his car watching the duo intently. "I've found her sir" he breathed into the phone before slowly driving away.

"I haven't seen you in like forever, and I thought it would be really funny" she continued closing the door behind her.

"Yeah, it's been three days?"

"What? I miss you. You're my best friend" Anna replied, kissing the side of Bella's face. "So tell me everything, starting from why a Bugatti came to drop you off at home"

Bella narrated everything that happened at work to Anna who listened attentively. She sighed, taking the bag from Anna, pulling the turtle neck out from the bag.

"And this is how I ended up with this new shirt" Bella sighed putting it in the bag.

"All these happened in just three days of working there?" Anna questioned and Bella nodded. "Wow"


"And, don't you think, maybe Mr Grey is into you?"

"N-no of course not" Bella laughed, blowing on her lips. "He has a fiance. Oops I'm not supposed to say that" Bella laughed covering her mouth.

"The same one that he screamed at for throwing her used wipe on you?" Anna asked with a raised brow making Bella laugh.

"You're making it seem like a big deal" Bella said with a sigh standing up. "Plus I'm not interested in that kind of drama. I'm already choked up as it is"

"Yeah whatever" Anna said admiring the blouse again. "You should wear this tomorrow"

"I'm not a pick me girl" Bella laughed, taking the shirt from Anna. "This is literally the most expensive cloth I own, I'm going to wear it on a special occasion"

"Your choice" She grinned. "But I'm really happy for you girl"

"Thank you" Bella breathed holding Anna's hand. "I'm hungry let's order pizza"

"Same thing on my mind" ~. ~. ~

Back at the office, Grey was sitting with all the heads departments in J&C in the meeting room when his phone beeped.

"I've dropped her home sir" the text from Evan read making him smile.

"Mr Grey, sir?" Mr David, head of the PR team called out noticing Grey was distracted.

His smile immediately faded as he raised his head to look at them. "Repeat what you said" he instructed and waved his fingers at the man in his early thirties.

"Goblex media is refusing to add J&C cooperation to the list because they are only including companies that make over 20 billion yearly"

Grey frowned, making everybody shift in their seats, all of them scared at the boss's outburst. He turned to look at the SDR, and the man swallowed hard.

"Mr Roberts, what's an estimate value of our earnings this year" "It's 12 billion sir" the man answered quietly.

"I can't hear you" Grey half yelled making everybody freeze in their seats.

"T-twelve billion sir" The man repeated louder, bowing a little.

"T-twelve million??" Grey boomed getting up. "You came to me asking for a higher budget for a new product and I went out of my way to do that. So what do you mean 12 billion?"

"I-I am sorry sir" the man stuttered. And Grey rolled his eyes at him.

"accounting?" He questioned looking among the faces for Mr Peters who headed the accounting department.

"H-he had an emergency sir, I was sent to represent him" Kelvin, the assistant head of accounts said bowing. Grey stared at him remembering he was the one he'd seen holding Bella's hand on her first day, and he broke out into a sweet smile.

They all exchanged glances wondering why he was smiling all of a sudden. "Mr?..." " Kelvin" Kelvin replied sharply.

"Mr Kelvin, I want you to work with Mr Roberts to raise my revenue by the end of the month"

"How much sir?" Kelvin asked quietly.

"Five million" he replied and all the other men in the room shared glances. It was hard for five million to be raised in a month, and more so by a single department.

Kelvin stood stunned for a while before mechanically bowing. "Okay sir, I'll relay your message to Mr Peter"

"No I want you to handle this" he replied sitting down. "Either that or kiss your job goodbye"

"Y-yes sir I will" kelvin replied, stunned. The room was fully air conditioned but he was sweating profusely.

"We are dismissed," Grey said, adjusting his jacket as the room went eerily silent, and one by one they all left the meeting room.

Grey sat alone in the empty room, his elbow on the desk holding his head up in support. "Could this day get any worse?" He groaned, rubbing his temples.

The soft knocking on his door interrupted his thoughts just as the door opened and Katrina walked in holding a suit bag.

"Sir, your suit has arrived" she reported. "And miss Clara said to inform you that you're going to be late"

"Urgh" Grey groaned, pushing the stark of papers down to the floor, startling Katrina. He got up, grabbed the suit from her hand and walked out the door.

Katrina watched with a sigh as her boss left in a fit of rage before, bending down to pick up the papers he'd dropped.

A particular document catching her attention. "Isabella Casey Marie"