Chapter Twenty

"Does Mr Wang prefer cash?" Grey asked suddenly as he stood up from his barely touched food.

Bella didn't tell him her debtor's name, but at this point she was no longer surprised at how many things Grey knew about her.

"Cash" she replied watching as he went up to his shelf in the side of the room."he likes to count"

"Okay" He replied, bringing a huge envelope out of a hidden side and putting it on her desk. "40000$ in full"

Bella was beyond stunned. She knew he was a billionaire but this was all still new to her.

"Thank you" she breathed, still looking at the huge envelope. "I would contact him this evening"

"You'll be doing no such thing" Grey answered walking up to her.

"I'll contact him myself and have one of my men deliver it. I don't want you to have anymore

interactions with him"

"Why is he so protective?" Bella muttered amused as Grey hovered over her. Did he even like her? Or was all this just a game to him.