Chapter Thirty

The doors of the office hinged open, to reveal Bella and Grey standing at the entrance.

The whole room went silent as everyone's eyes scanned the new couple. This was their first entrance together, since the wedding.

"Good morning sir, Ma" the receptionist Bella had met the first day she'd walked into J&C greeted her.

Bella turned to the woman stunned, before nodding mutely as she and Grey walked towards the elevator hand in hand.

As usual, everyone else cleared out of the elevator allowing Grey, and o ooooooBella, alongside Zoe that was guarding them.

Grey squeezed Bella's hand as soon as the elevator doors dinged close. Bella looked at him a small smile plastered on her face as she got to get floor.

"Lunch?" Grey suggested looking down at his watch.

"Okay" Bella smiled before walking out to the elevator- facing an anticipating Casey.