Chapter Thirty Three

Bella was startled at the sound of the gunshots. She couldn't talk because her mouth was bound, but she could grunt loudly.

Did Grey come to save her? Did he really care about her?

Kept asking the cuffs around her wrist, grunting loudly in an attempt for Grey to save her.

After what felt like forever, the door finally slammed open. She closed her eyes in fright, expecting the worst- not until Grey's voice broke out.

"Are you okay?" He questioned worriedly as he rushed over to her, peeling the tape over her mouth.

Her eyes opened slowly, met with Grey's worried glance. She looked at him, his brows were furrowed in fear. She had never seen Grey be so vulnerable before.

"I'm fine" she sighed before her eyes glanced over at his bleeding arm. "Oh my God you're bleeding" she screamed as she tried to hold him, but the cuffs around her arms forced her back down.