Chapter Thirty Five

Bella stretched out, her hand hitting the other side of the bed only to find it empty. She sprang up looking at the small fancy clock on her bedside table that read "6:45"

She was so sore, and her whole body ached. She didn't realize Grey had such stamina, going at it almost all night.

What baffled her more, was how Grey claimed her. He kept repeating about how she belonged to him now, and he wouldn't let her go.

She smiled at the memory, her cheeks getting hot at the realization that someone wanted her that much. And someone as powerful as Grey at that.

She got up sliding her clothes on, before going out to find Grey, her hair in a messy bun.

The guards bowed as soon as they saw her and she smiled back at them, walking until she reached the stairs. She noticed security was a lot more tighter this morning.